switch from axios to got package for client requests
[squeep-indieauth-helper] / lib / communication.js
1 'use strict';
3 const { mf2 } = require('microformats-parser');
4 const { parse: parseLinkHeader } = require('@squeep/web-linking');
5 const { Iconv } = require('iconv');
6 const { version: packageVersion, name: packageName } = require('../package.json');
7 const { randomBytes, createHash } = require('crypto');
8 const { promisify } = require('util');
9 const randomBytesAsync = promisify(randomBytes);
10 const { Address4, Address6 } = require('ip-address');
11 const dns = require('dns');
12 const common = require('./common');
13 const Enum = require('./enum');
14 const { ValidationError } = require('./errors');
16 const _fileScope = common.fileScope(__filename);
18 const noDotPathRE = /(\/\.\/|\/\.\.\/)/;
19 const v6HostRE = /\[[0-9a-f:]+\]/;
20 const loopback4 = new Address4('');
21 const scopeSplitRE = / +/;
23 class Communication {
24 /**
25 * @param {Console} logger
26 * @param {Object} options
27 * @param {Number=} options.timeout
28 * @param {Object=} options.userAgent
29 * @param {String=} options.userAgent.product
30 * @param {String=} options.userAgent.version
31 * @param {String=} options.userAgent.implementation
32 */
33 constructor(logger, options = {}) {
34 this.logger = logger;
35 this.options = options;
37 this._defaultAccept = options?.defaultAccept || 'text/html, text/*;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml;q=0.8, application/xml;q=0.8, */*;q=0.1';
38 this._jsonAccept = options?.jsonAccept || [Enum.ContentType.ApplicationJson, Enum.ContentType.Any + ';q=0.1'].join(', ');
40 this.Got = undefined;
41 this.got = this._init; // Do the dynamic import on first attempt to use client.
42 }
45 /**
46 * Do a little dance to support this ESM client.
47 */
48 async _init(...args) {
49 if (!this.Got) {
50 // For some reason eslint is confused about import being supported here.
51 // eslint-disable-next-line
52 this.Got = await import('got');
53 this.got = this.Got.got.extend({
54 headers: {
55 [Enum.Header.UserAgent]: Communication._userAgentString(this.options.userAgent),
56 [Enum.Header.Accept]: this._defaultAccept,
57 },
58 timeout: {
59 request: this.options.timeout || 120000,
60 },
61 hooks: {
62 beforeRetry: [
63 this._onRetry,
64 ],
65 },
66 });
67 }
68 if (args.length) {
69 return this.got(...args);
70 }
71 }
74 /**
75 * Take notes on transient retries.
76 * @param {*} error
77 * @param {*} retryCount
78 */
79 _onRetry(error, retryCount) {
80 const _scope = _fileScope('_onRetry');
81 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'retry', { retryCount, error });
82 }
85 /**
86 * Encode hashed verifier data for PKCE.
87 * @param {BinaryLike} verifier
88 * @returns {String}
89 */
90 static _challengeFromVerifier(verifier) {
91 const hash = createHash('sha256');
92 hash.update(verifier);
93 return hash.digest('base64url');
94 }
97 /**
98 * @typedef PKCEData
99 * @property {String} codeChallengeMethod
100 * @property {String} codeVerifier
101 * @property {String} codeChallenge
102 */
103 /**
104 * Create a code verifier and its challenge.
105 * @param {Number} length of verifier string, between 43 and 128
106 * @returns {Promise<PKCEData>}
107 */
108 static async generatePKCE(length = 128) {
109 if (length < 43 || length > 128) {
110 throw new RangeError('InvalidLength');
111 }
113 const bufferLength = Math.floor(length * 3 / 4);
114 const randomBuffer = await randomBytesAsync(bufferLength);
115 const verifier = randomBuffer.toString('base64url');
117 const challenge = Communication._challengeFromVerifier(verifier);
119 return {
120 codeChallengeMethod: 'S256',
121 codeVerifier: verifier,
122 codeChallenge: challenge,
123 };
124 }
127 /**
128 * Check a challenge with a verifier.
129 * @param {String} codeChallenge
130 * @param {String} codeVerifier
131 * @param {String} codeChallengeMethod
132 * @returns {Boolean}
133 */
134 static verifyChallenge(codeChallenge, codeVerifier, codeChallengeMethod) {
135 switch (codeChallengeMethod) {
136 case 'SHA256':
137 case 'S256': {
138 const challenge = Communication._challengeFromVerifier(codeVerifier);
139 return challenge === codeChallenge;
140 }
142 default:
143 throw new Error('unsupported challenge method');
144 }
145 }
148 /**
149 * Assemble a suitable User-Agent value.
150 * @param {Object} userAgentConfig
151 * @param {String=} userAgentConfig.product
152 * @param {String=} userAgentConfig.version
153 * @param {String=} userAgentConfig.implementation
154 * @returns {String}
155 */
156 static _userAgentString(userAgentConfig) {
157 // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection
158 const _conf = (field, def) => (userAgentConfig && field in userAgentConfig) ? userAgentConfig[field] : def;
159 const product = _conf('product', packageName).split('/').pop();
160 const version = _conf('version', packageVersion);
161 let implementation = _conf('implementation', Enum.Specification);
162 if (implementation) {
163 implementation = ` (${implementation})`;
164 }
165 return `${product}/${version}${implementation}`;
166 }
169 /**
170 * Isolate the base of a url.
171 * mf2 parser needs this so that relative links can be made absolute.
172 * @param {URL} urlObj
173 * @returns {String}
174 */
175 static _baseUrlString(urlObj) {
176 const baseUrl = new URL(urlObj);
177 const lastSlashIdx = baseUrl.pathname.lastIndexOf('/');
178 if (lastSlashIdx > 0) {
179 baseUrl.pathname = baseUrl.pathname.slice(0, lastSlashIdx + 1);
180 }
181 return baseUrl.href;
182 }
185 /**
186 * Convert a Content-Type string to normalized components.
187 * RFC7231 §3.1.1
188 * N.B. this ill-named non-parsing implementation will not work
189 * if a parameter value for some reason includes a ; or = within
190 * a quoted-string.
191 * @param {String} contentTypeHeader
192 * @returns {Object} contentType
193 * @returns {String} contentType.mediaType
194 * @returns {Object} contentType.params
195 */
196 static _parseContentType(contentTypeHeader, defaultContentType = Enum.ContentType.ApplicationOctetStream) {
197 const [ mediaType, ...params ] = (contentTypeHeader || '').split(/ *; */);
198 return {
199 mediaType: mediaType.toLowerCase() || defaultContentType,
200 params: params.reduce((obj, param) => {
201 const [field, value] = param.split('=');
202 const isQuoted = value?.startsWith('"') && value?.endsWith('"');
203 obj[field.toLowerCase()] = isQuoted ? value.slice(1, value.length - 1) : value;
204 return obj;
205 }, {}),
206 };
207 }
210 /**
211 * Parse and add any header link relations from response to microformat data.
212 * @param {Object} microformat
213 * @param {Object} response
214 * @param {Object} response.headers
215 */
216 _mergeLinkHeader(microformat, response) {
217 const _scope = _fileScope('_mergeLinkHeader');
219 // Establish that microformat has expected structure
220 ['rels', 'rel-urls'].forEach((p) => {
221 if (!(p in microformat)) {
222 microformat[p] = {}; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
223 }
224 });
225 if (!('items' in microformat)) {
226 microformat.items = [];
227 }
229 const linkHeader = response.headers[Enum.Header.Link.toLowerCase()];
230 const links = [];
231 if (linkHeader) {
232 try {
233 links.push(...parseLinkHeader(linkHeader));
234 } catch (e) {
235 this.logger.error(_scope, 'failed to parse link header', { error: e, linkHeader });
236 return;
237 }
238 }
240 // Push header link rels into microformat form.
241 // Inserted at front of lists, as headers take precedence.
242 links.forEach((link) => {
243 link.attributes.forEach((attr) => {
244 if (attr.name === 'rel') {
245 if (!(attr.value in microformat.rels)) {
246 microformat.rels[attr.value] = [];
247 }
248 microformat.rels[attr.value].unshift(link.target);
250 if (!(link.target in microformat['rel-urls'])) {
251 microformat['rel-urls'][link.target] = {
252 text: '',
253 rels: [],
254 };
255 }
256 microformat['rel-urls'][link.target].rels.unshift(attr.value);
257 }
258 });
259 });
260 }
263 /**
264 * Retrieve and parse microformat data from url.
265 * N.B. this absorbs any errors!
266 * @param {URL} urlObj
267 * @returns {Promise<Object>}
268 */
269 async fetchMicroformat(urlObj) {
270 const _scope = _fileScope('fetchMicroformat');
271 const logInfoData = {
272 url: urlObj.href,
273 microformat: undefined,
274 response: undefined,
275 };
276 let response;
277 try {
278 const fetchMicroformatConfig = {
279 method: 'GET',
280 url: urlObj,
281 responseType: 'buffer',
282 };
283 response = await this.got(fetchMicroformatConfig);
284 } catch (e) {
285 this.logger.error(_scope, 'microformat request failed', { error: e, ...logInfoData });
286 return;
287 }
288 logInfoData.response = common.gotResponseLogData(response);
290 // Normalize to utf8.
291 let body;
292 const contentType = Communication._parseContentType(response.headers[Enum.Header.ContentType.toLowerCase()]);
293 // If a charset was specified, and it's not utf8ish, attempt to transliterate it to utf8.
294 const nonUTF8Charset = !/utf-*8/i.test(contentType.params.charset) && contentType.params.charset;
295 if (nonUTF8Charset) {
296 try {
297 const iconv = new Iconv(nonUTF8Charset, 'utf-8//translit//ignore');
298 body = iconv.convert(response.body).toString('utf8');
299 } catch (e) {
300 // istanbul ignore next
301 this.logger.error(_scope, 'iconv conversion error', { error: e, ...logInfoData });
302 // Try to carry on, maybe the encoding will work anyhow...
303 }
304 } else {
305 body = response.body.toString('utf8');
306 }
308 let microformat = {};
309 try {
310 microformat = mf2(body, {
311 baseUrl: Communication._baseUrlString(urlObj),
312 });
313 } catch (e) {
314 this.logger.error(_scope, 'failed to parse microformat data', { error: e, ...logInfoData });
315 // Try to carry on, maybe there are link headers...
316 }
318 this._mergeLinkHeader(microformat, response);
320 logInfoData.microformat = microformat;
322 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'parsed microformat data', logInfoData);
323 return microformat;
324 }
327 /**
328 * Retrieve and parse JSON.
329 * N.B. this absorbs any errors!
330 * @param {URL} urlObj
331 * @returns {Promise<Object>}
332 */
333 async fetchJSON(urlObj) {
334 const _scope = _fileScope('fetchJSON');
335 const logInfoData = {
336 url: urlObj.href,
337 response: undefined,
338 };
339 let response;
340 try {
341 const fetchJSONConfig = {
342 method: 'GET',
343 url: urlObj,
344 headers: {
345 [Enum.Header.Accept]: this._jsonAccept,
346 },
347 responseType: 'json',
348 };
349 response = await this.got(fetchJSONConfig);
350 } catch (e) {
351 this.logger.error(_scope, 'json request failed', { error: e, ...logInfoData });
352 return;
353 }
354 logInfoData.response = common.gotResponseLogData(response);
356 return response.body;
357 }
360 /**
361 * Validate a url has a specific schema.
362 * @param {URL} urlObj
363 * @param {String[]} validSchemes
364 */
365 static _urlValidScheme(urlObj, validSchemes = ['http:', 'https:']) {
366 if (!validSchemes.includes(urlObj.protocol)) {
367 throw new ValidationError(`unsupported url scheme '${urlObj.protocol}'`);
368 }
369 }
372 /**
373 * Validate a url does not include some components.
374 * @param {URL} urlObj
375 * @param {String[]} disallowed
376 */
377 static _urlPartsDisallowed(urlObj, disallowed) {
378 disallowed.forEach((part) => {
379 if (urlObj[part]) { // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
380 throw new ValidationError(`url cannot contain ${common.properURLComponentName(part)}`);
381 }
382 });
383 }
386 /**
387 * Validate a url does not have relative path.
388 * @param {String} url
389 */
390 static _urlPathNoDots(url) {
391 if (noDotPathRE.test(url)) {
392 throw new ValidationError('relative path segment not valid');
393 }
394 }
397 /**
398 * Validate a url does not have a hostname which is an ip address.
399 * N.B. Sets isLoopback on urlObj
400 * @param {URL} urlObj
401 * @param {Boolean} allowLoopback
402 * @returns {Promise<void>}
403 */
404 static async _urlNamedHost(urlObj, allowLoopback, resolveHostname) {
405 let address;
406 if (v6HostRE.test(urlObj.hostname)) {
407 /**
408 * We do not need to worry about the Address6() failing to parse,
409 * as if it looks like an ipv6 addr but is not valid, the URL()
410 * call would already have failed.
411 */
412 address = new Address6(urlObj.hostname.slice(1, urlObj.hostname.length - 1));
413 /* succeeded parsing as ipv6, reject unless loopback */
414 urlObj.isLoopback = address.isLoopback();
415 } else {
416 try {
417 address = new Address4(urlObj.hostname);
418 /* succeeded parsing as ipv4, reject unless loopback */
419 urlObj.isLoopback = address.isInSubnet(loopback4);
420 } catch (e) {
421 /* did not parse as ip, carry on */
422 }
423 }
425 if (resolveHostname && !urlObj.isLoopback) {
426 /**
427 * Resolve hostname to check for localhost.
428 * This is more complicated due to SSRF mitigation:
429 * If the hostname does not end with a ., we also resolve that,
430 * and complain if the two resolutions do not match, assuming
431 * malicious intent for the server to resolve a local record.
432 */
433 const hostnames = [urlObj.hostname];
434 if (!urlObj.hostname.endsWith('.')) {
435 hostnames.push(urlObj.hostname + '.');
436 }
437 const settledResolutions = await Promise.allSettled(hostnames.map((hostname) => dns.promises.lookup(hostname, {
438 all: true,
439 verbatim: true,
440 })));
441 // If any resolution failed, bail.
442 if (settledResolutions
443 .map((resolution) => resolution.status)
444 .includes('rejected')) {
445 throw new ValidationError('could not resolve hostname');
446 }
448 // extract each resolution value, array of {address,family}
449 const resolutions = settledResolutions.map((resolution) => resolution.value);
451 // If there were two resolutions, ensure they returned identical results.
452 if (resolutions.length > 1) {
453 // create set of addresses for each resolution
454 const addressSets = resolutions.map((addrs) => {
455 return new Set((addrs || []).map((a) => a.address));
456 });
457 const differences = common.setSymmetricDifference(...addressSets);
458 if (differences.size) {
459 throw new ValidationError('inconsistent hostname resolution');
460 }
461 }
462 const resolvedHost = resolutions[0] || [];
464 // Persist the loopback state
465 urlObj.isLoopback = resolvedHost.reduce((acc, resolved) => {
466 let addr;
467 switch (resolved.family) {
468 case 4:
469 addr = new Address4(resolved.address);
470 return acc || addr.isInSubnet(loopback4);
471 case 6:
472 addr = new Address6(resolved.address);
473 return acc || addr.isLoopback();
474 default:
475 return acc;
476 }
477 }, false);
478 }
480 if (address
481 && (!urlObj.isLoopback || !allowLoopback)) {
482 throw new ValidationError('hostname cannot be IP');
483 }
484 }
487 /**
488 * Ensure a url meets the requirements to be a profile uri.
489 * @param {String} url
490 * @param {Object} validationOptions
491 * @param {Boolean} validationOptions.allowLoopback
492 * @param {Boolean} validationOptions.resolveHostname
493 * @returns {Promise<void>}
494 */
495 async validateProfile(url, validationOptions) {
496 const _scope = _fileScope('validateProfile');
497 const errorScope = 'invalid profile url';
499 const options = Object.assign({
500 allowLoopback: false,
501 resolveHostname: false,
502 }, validationOptions);
504 let profile;
505 try {
506 profile = new URL(url);
507 } catch (e) {
508 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'failed to parse url', { error: e, url });
509 throw new ValidationError(`${errorScope}: unparsable`);
510 }
511 profile.isLoopback = false;
513 try {
514 Communication._urlValidScheme(profile);
515 Communication._urlPartsDisallowed(profile, ['hash', 'username', 'password', 'port']);
516 Communication._urlPathNoDots(url);
517 await Communication._urlNamedHost(profile, options.allowLoopback, options.resolveHostname);
518 } catch (e) {
519 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'profile url not valid', { url, error: e });
520 throw new ValidationError(`${errorScope}: ${e.message}`);
521 }
523 return profile;
524 }
527 /**
528 * Ensure a url meets the requirements to be a client identifier.
529 * Sets 'isLoopback' on returned URL object to true if hostname is or resolves to a loopback ip.
530 * @param {String} url
531 * @param {Object} validationOptions
532 * @param {Boolean} validationOptions.allowLoopback
533 * @param {Boolean} validationOptions.resolveHostname
534 * @returns {Promise<URL>}
535 */
536 async validateClientIdentifier(url, validationOptions) {
537 const _scope = _fileScope('validateClientIdentifier');
538 const errorScope = 'invalid client identifier url';
540 const options = Object.assign({
541 allowLoopback: true,
542 resolveHostname: true,
543 }, validationOptions);
545 let clientId;
546 try {
547 clientId = new URL(url);
548 } catch (e) {
549 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'failed to parse url', { error: e, url });
550 throw new ValidationError('invalid client identifier url: unparsable');
551 }
552 clientId.isLoopback = false;
554 try {
555 Communication._urlValidScheme(clientId);
556 Communication._urlPartsDisallowed(clientId, ['hash', 'username', 'password']);
557 Communication._urlPathNoDots(url);
558 await Communication._urlNamedHost(clientId, options.allowLoopback, options.resolveHostname);
559 } catch (e) {
560 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'client identifier url not valid', { url, error: e });
561 throw new ValidationError(`${errorScope}: ${e.message}`);
562 }
564 return clientId;
565 }
568 /**
569 * @typedef {Object} ClientIdentifierData
570 * @property {Object} rels - keyed by relation to array of uris
571 * @property {HAppData[]} items
572 */
573 /**
574 * Retrieve and parse client identifier endpoint data.
575 * N.B. Assumes urlObj has passed validateClientIdentifier.
576 * @param {URL} urlObj
577 * @returns {ClientIdentifierData|undefined} mf2 data filtered for h-app items, or undefined if url could not be fetched
578 */
579 async fetchClientIdentifier(urlObj) {
580 const _scope = _fileScope('fetchClientIdentifier');
582 // Loopback address will eschew client fetch, return empty data.
583 const isLoopbackResult = {
584 rels: {},
585 items: [],
586 };
588 // Set by validation method in case of loopback ip hostname
589 if (urlObj.isLoopback) {
590 return isLoopbackResult;
591 }
593 const mfData = await this.fetchMicroformat(urlObj);
594 if (!mfData) {
595 return undefined;
596 }
598 // Only return h-app items with matching url field.
599 return {
600 rels: mfData.rels || {},
601 items: (mfData.items || []).filter((item) => {
602 let urlMatched = false;
603 const itemType = item.type || [];
604 if ((itemType.includes('h-app') || itemType.includes('h-x-app'))
605 && (item?.properties?.url)) {
606 item.properties.url.forEach((url) => {
607 try {
608 const hUrl = new URL(url);
609 if (hUrl.href === urlObj.href) {
610 urlMatched = true;
611 }
612 } catch (e) { /**/ }
613 });
614 }
615 return urlMatched;
616 }),
617 };
618 }
621 /**
622 * @typedef ProfileData
623 * @property {String} name
624 * @property {String} photo
625 * @property {String} url
626 * @property {String} email
627 * @property {String} authorizationEndpoint - deprecated, backwards compatibility for 20201126 spec
628 * @property {String} tokenEndpoint - deprecated, backwards compatibility for 20201126 spec
629 * @property {String} indieauthMetadata authorization server metadata endpoint
630 * @property {Object} metadata - authorization server metadata for profile
631 * @property {String} metadata.issuer
632 * @property {String} metadata.authorizationEndpoint
633 * @property {String} metadata.tokenEndpoint
634 * @property {String} metadata.ticketEndpoint
635 * @property {String} metadata.introspectionEndpoint
636 * @property {String} metadata.introspectionEndpointAuthMethodsSupported
637 * @property {String} metadata.revocationEndpoint
638 * @property {String} metadata.revocationEndpointAuthMethodsSupported
639 * @property {String} metadata.scopesSupported
640 * @property {String} metadata.responseTypesSupported
641 * @property {String} metadata.grantTypesSupported
642 * @property {String} metadata.serviceDocumentation
643 * @property {String} metadata.codeChallengeMethodsSupported
644 * @property {String} metadata.authorizationResponseIssParameterSupported
645 * @property {String} metadata.userinfoEndpoint
646 */
647 /**
648 * Fetch the relevant microformat data from profile url h-card information,
649 * and authorization server metadata.
650 * @param {URL} urlObj
651 * @returns {ProfileData} mf2 data filtered for select fields from h-card
652 */
653 async fetchProfile(urlObj) {
654 const _scope = _fileScope('fetchProfile');
656 const mfData = await this.fetchMicroformat(urlObj);
657 const profile = {
658 name: undefined,
659 photo: undefined,
660 url: undefined,
661 email: undefined,
662 metadata: {},
663 };
665 // Locate h-card mf2 items with url field matching profile url,
666 // and populate profile fields with first-encountered card values.
667 if (mfData && 'items' in mfData) {
668 const hCards = mfData.items.filter((item) =>
669 item?.type?.includes('h-card') &&
670 item.properties && item.properties.url && item.properties.url.includes(urlObj.href));
671 hCards.forEach((hCard) => {
672 Object.keys(profile).forEach((key) => {
673 if (!profile[key] && key in hCard.properties) { // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
674 profile[key] = hCard.properties[key][0]; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
675 }
676 });
677 });
678 }
680 // Populate legacy mf2 fields from relation links.
681 // These will be overwritten if they also exist in server metadata.
682 Object.entries({
683 authorizationEndpoint: 'authorization_endpoint', // backwards compatibility
684 tokenEndpoint: 'token_endpoint', // backwards compatibility
685 ticketEndpoint: 'ticket_endpoint', // backwards compatibility
686 }).forEach(([p, r]) => {
687 if (mfData && r in mfData.rels) {
688 profile.metadata[p] = profile[p] = mfData.rels[r][0]; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
689 }
690 });
692 // Set metadata field.
693 if (mfData && 'indieauth-metadata' in mfData.rels) {
694 profile.indieauthMetadata = mfData.rels['indieauth-metadata'][0];
695 }
697 // Attempt to populate metadata from authorization server.
698 if (profile.indieauthMetadata) {
699 let mdURL;
700 try {
701 mdURL = new URL(profile.indieauthMetadata);
702 } catch (e) /* istanbul ignore next */ {
703 this.logger.error(_scope, 'invalid authorization server metadata url', { profile });
704 }
705 /* istanbul ignore else */
706 if (mdURL) {
707 const metadataResponse = await this.fetchJSON(mdURL);
708 if (metadataResponse) {
709 // Map snake_case fields to camelCase.
710 Object.entries({
711 issuer: 'issuer',
712 authorizationEndpoint: 'authorization_endpoint',
713 tokenEndpoint: 'token_endpoint',
714 ticketEndpoint: 'ticket_endpoint',
715 introspectionEndpoint: 'introspection_endpoint',
716 introspectionEndpointAuthMethodsSupported: 'introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported',
717 revocationEndpoint: 'revocation_endpoint',
718 revocationEndpointAuthMethodsSupported: 'revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported',
719 scopesSupported: 'scopes_supported',
720 responseTypesSupported: 'response_types_supported',
721 grantTypesSupported: 'grant_types_supported',
722 serviceDocumentation: 'service_documentation',
723 codeChallengeMethodsSupported: 'code_challenge_methods_supported',
724 authorizationResponseIssParameterSupported: 'authorization_response_iss_parameter_supported',
725 userinfoEndpoint: 'userinfo_endpoint',
726 }).forEach(([c, s]) => {
727 if (s in metadataResponse) {
728 profile.metadata[c] = metadataResponse[s]; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
729 }
730 });
732 // Populate legacy profile fields.
733 ['authorizationEndpoint', 'tokenEndpoint', 'ticketEndpoint'].forEach((f) => {
734 if (f in profile.metadata) {
735 profile[f] = profile.metadata[f]; // eslint-disable-line security/detect-object-injection
736 }
737 });
738 }
739 }
740 }
742 return profile;
743 }
746 /**
747 * POST to the auth endpoint, to redeem a code for a profile or token.
748 * N.B. this absorbs any errors!
749 * @param {URL} urlObj
750 * @param {String} code
751 * @param {String} codeVerifier
752 * @param {String} clientId
753 * @param {String} redirectURI
754 * @returns {Object}
755 */
756 async redeemCode(urlObj, code, codeVerifier, clientId, redirectURI) {
757 const _scope = _fileScope('redeemCode');
759 const postRedeemCodeConfig = {
760 url: urlObj,
761 method: 'POST',
762 headers: {
763 [Enum.Header.Accept]: this._jsonAccept,
764 },
765 form: {
766 'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
767 code,
768 'client_id': clientId,
769 'redirect_uri': redirectURI,
770 'code_verifier': codeVerifier,
771 },
772 responseType: 'json',
773 };
775 try {
776 const response = await this.got(postRedeemCodeConfig);
777 return response.body;
778 } catch (e) {
779 this.logger.error(_scope, 'redeem code request failed', { error: e, url: urlObj.href });
780 return;
781 }
782 }
785 /**
786 * Deprecated method name alias.
787 * @see redeemCode
788 * @param {URL} urlObj
789 * @param {String} code
790 * @param {Strin} codeVerifier
791 * @param {String} clientId
792 * @param {String} redirectURI
793 * @returns {Object}
794 */
795 async redeemProfileCode(urlObj, code, codeVerifier, clientId, redirectURI) {
796 return this.redeemCode(urlObj, code, codeVerifier, clientId, redirectURI);
797 }
800 /**
801 * Verify a token with an IdP endpoint, using the Authorization header supplied.
802 * @param {URL} introspectionUrlObj
803 * @param {String} authorizationHeader
804 * @param {String} token
805 */
806 async introspectToken(introspectionUrlObj, authorizationHeader, token) {
807 const _scope = _fileScope('introspectToken');
809 const postIntrospectConfig = {
810 url: introspectionUrlObj,
811 method: 'POST',
812 headers: {
813 [Enum.Header.Authorization]: authorizationHeader,
814 [Enum.Header.Accept]: this._jsonAccept,
815 },
816 form: {
817 token,
818 },
819 responseType: 'json',
820 };
822 try {
823 const response = await this.got(postIntrospectConfig);
824 this.logger.debug(_scope, 'response', { response });
825 // check status
826 try {
827 const {
828 active,
829 me,
830 client_id: clientId,
831 scope,
832 exp,
833 iat,
834 } = response.body;
836 if (![true, false].includes(active)) {
837 throw new RangeError('missing required response field "active"');
838 }
840 return {
841 active,
842 ...(me && { me }),
843 ...(clientId && { clientId }),
844 ...(scope && { scope: scope.split(scopeSplitRE) }),
845 ...(exp && { exp: Number(exp) }),
846 ...(iat && { iat: Number(iat) }),
847 };
848 } catch (e) {
849 this.logger.error(_scope, 'failed to parse json', { error: e, response: common.gotResponseLogData(response) });
850 throw e;
851 }
852 } catch (e) {
853 this.logger.error(_scope, 'introspect token request failed', { error: e, url: introspectionUrlObj.href });
854 throw e;
855 }
856 }
859 /**
860 * Attempt to deliver a ticket to an endpoint.
861 * N.B. does not absorb errors
862 * @param {URL} ticketEndpointUrlObj
863 * @param {URL} resourceUrlObj
864 * @param {URL} subjectUrlObj
865 * @param {String} ticket
866 * @returns {Promise<AxiosResponse>}
867 */
868 async deliverTicket(ticketEndpointUrlObj, resourceUrlObj, subjectUrlObj, ticket) {
869 const _scope = _fileScope('deliverTicket');
871 try {
872 const ticketConfig = {
873 method: 'POST',
874 url: ticketEndpointUrlObj,
875 form: {
876 ticket,
877 resource: resourceUrlObj.href,
878 subject: subjectUrlObj.href,
879 },
880 };
881 return await this.got(ticketConfig);
882 } catch (e) {
883 this.logger.error(_scope, 'ticket delivery request failed', { error: e, url: ticketEndpointUrlObj.href });
884 throw e;
885 }
886 }
888 }
890 module.exports = Communication;