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[squeep-indie-auther] / README.md
1 # Welcome to my IndieAuth-er
3 ## What
5 [IndieAuth](https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth) is a [protocol](https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/) which facilitates identifying users uniquely by the URLs they control to third-party applications. It is an extension of [Oauth 2](https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org).
7 This service implements the functionality required to negotiate that identity authentication and validation.
9 ## Let's Do Some Auth
11 A ```user``` is an entity known to this service, with a credential (currently a password) used to authenticate and login to this service.
12 Authentication of a ```user``` is handled by either a [hashed password](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argon2) stored securely in one of the available database engines, or by optionally delegating to the host machine's [<abbr title="Pluggable Authentication Module">PAM</abbr> subsystem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluggable_Authentication_Modules).
13 PAM can be used to leverage, exempli gratia, LDAP integration for user authentication.
15 A ```profile``` is a URL (under control of a ```user```) which contents includes the necessary meta-data informing an application to contact this server for identification validation. Each ```user``` may have one or more ```profile```s.
17 Each ```profile``` may also be associated with a customizable list of additional [scopes](https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/scope/) which may be added to any application client grant for convenience.
19 An example of the user-interface when granting consent to a client application:
20 ![Consent page](./documentation/media/consent-page.png)
22 A rudimentary ticket-sending UI is also available:
23 ![Ticket Offer page](./documentation/media/ticket-page.png)
25 ## Resource Service Integration
27 Other services (resources) may make calls to validate token grants by configuring a pre-shared secret, and authenticating to this server using [an HMAC-style bearer token scheme](https://git.squeep.com/?p=squeep-resource-authentication-module;a=blob_plain;f=README.md;hb=HEAD).
29 ## Ticket Auth
31 This service can accept proffered [authentication tickets](https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth_Ticket_Auth). It will simply publish any proffered tickets for valid profiles to a configured AMQP/RabbitMQ queue for some other service to redeem and make use of.
33 ## Architecture
35 A granted token is an encrypted identifier (specifically a UUID assigned to the initial authentication request) which references the user/client relationship stored in the database. Details such as granted scopes, token expiration, refreshability, and revocation status are stored there.
37 Uh, more later.
39 ![Entity relationship diagram for Postgres engine](./documentation/media/postgres-er.svg)
41 ### Quirks
43 This implementation is built atop an in-house API framework, for Reasons. Limiting the footprint of external dependencies as much as is reasonable is a design goal.
45 ### File Tour
47 - bin/ - utility scripts
48 - config/
49 - default.js - defines all configuration parameters' default values
50 - index.js - merges an environment's values over defaults
51 - *.js - environment specific values, edit these as needed
52 - server.js - launches the application server
53 - src/
54 - chores.js - recurring maintenance tasks
55 - common.js - utility functions
56 - db/
57 - abstract.js - base database class that any engine will implement
58 - errors.js - database Error types
59 - index.js - database factory
60 - schema-version-helper.js - schema migrations aide
61 - postgres/
62 - index.js - PostgreSQL engine implementation
63 - sql/ - statements and schemas
64 - sqlite/
65 - index.js - SQLite engine implementation
66 - sql - statements and schemas
67 - enum.js - invariants
68 - errors.js - local Error types
69 - logger/
70 - data-sanitizers.js - logger helpers to scrub sensitive and verbose data
71 - index.js - a very simple logging class
72 - manager.js - process incoming requests, most of application logic resides here
73 - service.js - defines incoming endpoints, linking the API server framework to the manager methods
74 - template/ - HTML content
75 - static/ - static web assets, CSS, images, et cetera
76 - test/ - unit and coverage tests