+ # TODO: Clean this up a bit.
def handle_note(entry, doc \\ nil) do
with id <- XML.string_from_xpath("//id", entry),
activity when is_nil(activity) <- Activity.get_create_activity_by_object_ap_id(id),
mentions <- get_mentions(entry),
to <- make_to_list(actor, mentions),
date <- XML.string_from_xpath("//published", entry),
+ unlisted <- XML.string_from_xpath("//mastodon:scope", entry) == "unlisted",
+ cc <- if(unlisted, do: ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"], else: []),
note <- CommonAPI.Utils.make_note_data(actor.ap_id, to, context, content_html, attachments, inReplyToActivity, [], cw),
note <- note |> Map.put("id", id) |> Map.put("tag", tags),
note <- note |> Map.put("published", date),
note <- note |> Map.put("emoji", get_emoji(entry)),
note <- add_external_url(note, entry),
+ note <- note |> Map.put("cc", cc),
# TODO: Handle this case in make_note_data
note <- (if inReplyTo && !inReplyToActivity, do: note |> Map.put("inReplyTo", inReplyTo), else: note)
- res = ActivityPub.create(%{to: to, actor: actor, context: context, object: note, published: date, local: false})
+ res = ActivityPub.create(%{to: to, actor: actor, context: context, object: note, published: date, local: false, additional: %{"cc" => cc}})
assert "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" in activity.data["to"]
+ test "handle incoming unlisted messages, put public into cc" do
+ incoming = File.read!("test/fixtures/mastodon-note-unlisted.xml")
+ {:ok, [activity]} = OStatus.handle_incoming(incoming)
+ refute "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" in activity.data["to"]
+ assert "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" in activity.data["cc"]
+ refute "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" in activity.data["object"]["to"]
+ assert "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public" in activity.data["object"]["cc"]
+ end
test "handle incoming retweets - Mastodon, with CW" do
incoming = File.read!("test/fixtures/cw_retweet.xml")
{:ok, [[_activity, retweeted_activity]]} = OStatus.handle_incoming(incoming)