+ defp thumbnail_max_dimensions(params) do
+ config = Config.get([:media_preview_proxy], [])
+ thumbnail_max_width =
+ if w = params["thumbnail_max_width"] do
+ String.to_integer(w)
+ else
+ Keyword.fetch!(config, :thumbnail_max_width)
+ end
+ thumbnail_max_height =
+ if h = params["thumbnail_max_height"] do
+ String.to_integer(h)
+ else
+ Keyword.fetch!(config, :thumbnail_max_height)
+ end
+ {thumbnail_max_width, thumbnail_max_height}
+ end
+ defp thumbnail_binary(url, body, params) do
+ {thumbnail_max_width, thumbnail_max_height} = thumbnail_max_dimensions(params)
+ with true <- Config.get([:media_preview_proxy, :enable_eimp]),
+ {:ok, [type: image_type, width: source_width, height: source_height]} <-
+ :eimp.identify(body),
+ scale_factor <-
+ Enum.max([source_width / thumbnail_max_width, source_height / thumbnail_max_height]),
+ {:ok, thumbnail_binary} =
+ :eimp.convert(body, image_type, [
+ {:scale, {round(source_width / scale_factor), round(source_height / scale_factor)}}
+ ]) do
+ {:ok, thumbnail_binary}
+ else
+ _ ->
+ mogrify_dimensions = "#{thumbnail_max_width}x#{thumbnail_max_height}"
+ with {:ok, path} <- MogrifyHelper.store_as_temporary_file(url, body),
+ %Mogrify.Image{} <-
+ MogrifyHelper.in_place_resize_to_limit(path, mogrify_dimensions),
+ {:ok, thumbnail_binary} <- File.read(path),
+ _ <- File.rm(path) do
+ {:ok, thumbnail_binary}
+ else
+ _ -> :error
+ end
+ end
+ end
defp handle_preview("image/" <> _ = content_type, %{params: params} = conn, url) do
- with {:ok, %{status: status, body: body}} when status in 200..299 <-
+ with {:ok, %{status: status, body: image_contents}} when status in 200..299 <-
|> MediaProxy.url()
|> Tesla.get(opts: [adapter: [timeout: preview_timeout()]]),
- {:ok, path} <- MogrifyHelper.store_as_temporary_file(url, body),
- resize_dimensions <-
- Map.get(
- params,
- "limit_dimensions",
- Config.get([:media_preview_proxy, :limit_dimensions])
- ),
- %Mogrify.Image{} <- MogrifyHelper.in_place_resize_to_limit(path, resize_dimensions),
- {:ok, image_binary} <- File.read(path),
- _ <- File.rm(path) do
+ {:ok, thumbnail_binary} <- thumbnail_binary(url, image_contents, params) do
|> put_resp_header("content-type", content_type)
- |> send_resp(200, image_binary)
+ |> send_resp(200, thumbnail_binary)
{_, %{status: _}} ->
send_resp(conn, :failed_dependency, "Can't fetch the image.")