pageTitle: packageName, // title on html pages
footerEntries: [ // common footers on all html pages
'<a href=";a=tree">Development Repository</a> / <a href="">GitHub mirror</a>',
- '©<time datetime="2021">ⅯⅯⅩⅩⅠ</time>',
+ '<small><span class="copyright">©<time datetime="2021">ⅯⅯⅩⅩⅠ</time></span></small>',
strictSecrets: false, // If true, reject requests with secrets but not over https
publicHub: true, // Accept publish requests as new topics.
+ <li>
+ Ideally, these should be combined in one header.
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption>Example:</figcaption>
+ <code>
+ Link: <${hubURL}>; rel="hub", <>; rel="self"
+ </code>
+ </figure>
+ </li>
<h3>Publishing Updates</h3>
- Send a <code>POST</code> request to this hub with Form Data:
+ To notify the Hub that a topic's content has been updated and should be distributed to subscribers, send a <code>POST</code> request with Form Data (<code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code>):
<code>hub.mode</code> set to <code>publish</code>
- <code>hub.url</code> set to the <code>self</code> link relation of the content
+ <code>hub.url</code> set to the <code>self</code> link relation of the content (this value may be set multiple times, to update more than one topic)
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption>Example:</figcaption>
+ <code>
+ curl ${hubURL} -d'hub.mode=publish' -d'hub.url=' -d'hub.url='
+ </code>
+ </figure>
: `
<h2>Private Hub</h2>