|> Repo.one()
+ @spec mark_as_read(User.t(), Activity.t()) :: {integer(), nil | [term()]}
+ def mark_as_read(%User{id: id}, %Activity{data: %{"context" => context}}) do
+ from(
+ n in Notification,
+ join: a in assoc(n, :activity),
+ where: n.user_id == ^id,
+ where: n.seen == false,
+ where: fragment("?->>'context'", a.data) == ^context
+ )
+ |> Repo.update_all(set: [seen: true])
+ end
alias Pleroma.Conversation.Participation
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Object
+ alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
import Pleroma.Factory
import Mock
+ import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2]
require Pleroma.Constants
[user: user, activity: activity]
+ test "marks notifications as read after mute" do
+ author = insert(:user)
+ activity = insert(:note_activity, user: author)
+ friend1 = insert(:user)
+ friend2 = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, reply_activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(
+ friend2,
+ %{
+ status: "@#{author.nickname} @#{friend1.nickname} test reply",
+ in_reply_to_status_id: activity.id
+ }
+ )
+ {:ok, favorite_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(friend2, activity.id)
+ {:ok, repeat_activity} = CommonAPI.repeat(activity.id, friend1)
+ assert Repo.aggregate(
+ from(n in Notification, where: n.seen == false and n.user_id == ^friend1.id),
+ :count
+ ) == 1
+ unread_notifications =
+ Repo.all(from(n in Notification, where: n.seen == false, where: n.user_id == ^author.id))
+ assert Enum.any?(unread_notifications, fn n ->
+ n.type == "favourite" && n.activity_id == favorite_activity.id
+ end)
+ assert Enum.any?(unread_notifications, fn n ->
+ n.type == "reblog" && n.activity_id == repeat_activity.id
+ end)
+ assert Enum.any?(unread_notifications, fn n ->
+ n.type == "mention" && n.activity_id == reply_activity.id
+ end)
+ {:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(author, activity)
+ assert CommonAPI.thread_muted?(author, activity)
+ assert Repo.aggregate(
+ from(n in Notification, where: n.seen == false and n.user_id == ^friend1.id),
+ :count
+ ) == 1
+ read_notifications =
+ Repo.all(from(n in Notification, where: n.seen == true, where: n.user_id == ^author.id))
+ assert Enum.any?(read_notifications, fn n ->
+ n.type == "favourite" && n.activity_id == favorite_activity.id
+ end)
+ assert Enum.any?(read_notifications, fn n ->
+ n.type == "reblog" && n.activity_id == repeat_activity.id
+ end)
+ assert Enum.any?(read_notifications, fn n ->
+ n.type == "mention" && n.activity_id == reply_activity.id
+ end)
+ end
test "add mute", %{user: user, activity: activity} do
{:ok, _} = CommonAPI.add_mute(user, activity)
assert CommonAPI.thread_muted?(user, activity)