Erratic tests are now ran in their own task, so we don't block
normal testing. The runtime is under a minute, so even if this one
has to be retried, it shouldn't take forever.
- mix ecto.migrate
- mix coveralls --preload-modules
+ stage: test
+ retry: 2
+ only:
+ changes:
+ - "**/*.ex"
+ - "**/*.exs"
+ - "mix.lock"
+ cache: &testing_cache_policy
+ <<: *global_cache_policy
+ policy: pull
+ services:
+ - name: postgres:13
+ alias: postgres
+ command: ["postgres", "-c", "fsync=off", "-c", "synchronous_commit=off", "-c", "full_page_writes=off"]
+ script:
+ - mix ecto.create
+ - mix ecto.migrate
+ - mix test --only=erratic
# Removed to fix CI issue. In this early state it wasn't adding much value anyway.
# TODO Fix and reinstate federated testing
# federated-testing: