* Note: Same data as Mastodon API’s `/api/v1/custom_emojis` but in a different format
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/follow_import`
+## `/api/pleroma/follow_import`
### Imports your follows, for example from a Mastodon CSV file.
* Method: `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error
* Note: Users that can't be followed are silently skipped.
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/blocks_import`
+## `/api/pleroma/blocks_import`
### Imports your blocks.
* Method: `POST`
* Authentication: required
* `list`: STRING or FILE containing a whitespace-separated list of accounts to block
* Response: HTTP 200 on success, 500 on error
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/mutes_import`
+## `/api/pleroma/mutes_import`
### Imports your mutes.
* Method: `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Response: Provider specific JSON, the only guaranteed parameter is `type`
* Example response: `{"type": "kocaptcha", "token": "whatever", "url": "https://captcha.kotobank.ch/endpoint", "seconds_valid": 300}`
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/delete_account`
+## `/api/pleroma/delete_account`
### Delete an account
* Method `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the deletion was successful, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise
* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}`
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/disable_account`
+## `/api/pleroma/disable_account`
### Disable an account
* Method `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the account was successfully disabled, `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise
* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}`
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/mfa`
+## `/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa`
#### Gets current MFA settings
* method: `GET`
* Authentication: required
* OAuth scope: `read:security`
-* Response: JSON. Returns `{"enabled": "false", "totp": false }`
+* Response: JSON. Returns `{"settings": {"enabled": "false", "totp": false }}`
+* Note: `enabled` is whether multi-factor auth is enabled for the user in general, while `totp` is one type of MFA.
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/mfa/setup/totp`
+## `/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/setup/totp`
#### Pre-setup the MFA/TOTP method
* method: `GET`
* Authentication: required
* OAuth scope: `write:security`
* Response: JSON. Returns `{"key": [secret_key], "provisioning_uri": "[qr code uri]" }` when successful, otherwise returns HTTP 422 `{"error": "error_msg"}`
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/mfa/confirm/totp`
+## `/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/confirm/totp`
#### Confirms & enables MFA/TOTP support for user account.
* method: `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Response: JSON. Returns `{}` if the enable was successful, HTTP 422 `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/mfa/totp`
+## `/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/totp`
#### Disables MFA/TOTP method for user account.
* method: `DELETE`
* Authentication: required
* Response: JSON. Returns `{}` if the disable was successful, HTTP 422 `{"error": "[error message]"}` otherwise
* Example response: `{"error": "Invalid password."}`
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/mfa/backup_codes`
+## `/api/pleroma/accounts/mfa/backup_codes`
#### Generstes backup codes MFA for user account.
* method: `GET`
* Authentication: required
-## `/api/v1/pleroma/change_email`
+## `/api/pleroma/change_email`
### Change account email
* Method `POST`
* Authentication: required