config :pleroma, Pleroma.Backup,
purge_after_days: 30,
- limit_days: 7
+ limit_days: 7,
+ dir: nil
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
* `:purge_after_days` an integer, remove backup achives after N days.
* `:limit_days` an integer, limit user to export not more often than once per N days.
+* `:dir` a string with a path to backup temporary directory or `nil` to let Pleroma choose temporary directory in the following order:
+ 1. the directory named by the TMPDIR environment variable
+ 2. the directory named by the TEMP environment variable
+ 3. the directory named by the TMP environment variable
+ 4. C:\TMP on Windows or /tmp on Unix-like operating systems
+ 5. as a last resort, the current working directory
## Frontend management
def export(%__MODULE__{} = backup) do
backup = Repo.preload(backup, :user)
name = String.trim_trailing(backup.file_name, ".zip")
- dir = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), name)
+ dir = dir(name)
with :ok <- File.mkdir(dir),
:ok <- actor(dir, backup.user),
+ def dir(name) do
+ dir = Pleroma.Config.get([__MODULE__, :dir]) || System.tmp_dir!()
+ Path.join(dir, name)
+ end
def upload(%__MODULE__{} = backup, zip_path) do
uploader = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader])