- def get_by_external_registration(
+ def get_registration(
%Plug.Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_auth: %{provider: provider, uid: uid} = auth}},
) do
registration = Registration.get_by_provider_uid(provider, uid)
if registration do
- user = Repo.preload(registration, :user).user
- {:ok, user}
+ {:ok, registration}
info = auth.info
- email = info.email
- nickname = info.nickname
- # Note: nullifying email in case this email is already taken
- email =
- if email && User.get_by_email(email) do
- nil
- else
- email
- end
+ Registration.changeset(%Registration{}, %{
+ provider: to_string(provider),
+ uid: to_string(uid),
+ info: %{
+ "nickname" => info.nickname,
+ "email" => info.email,
+ "name" => info.name,
+ "description" => info.description
+ }
+ })
+ |> Repo.insert()
+ end
+ end
- # Note: generating a random numeric suffix to nickname in case this nickname is already taken
- nickname =
- if nickname && User.get_by_nickname(nickname) do
- "#{nickname}#{:os.system_time()}"
- else
- nickname
- end
+ def get_registration(%Plug.Conn{} = _conn, _params), do: {:error, :missing_credentials}
- random_password = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64()
+ def create_from_registration(_conn, params, registration) do
+ nickname = value([params["nickname"], Registration.nickname(registration)])
+ email = value([params["email"], Registration.email(registration)])
+ name = value([params["name"], Registration.name(registration)]) || nickname
+ bio = value([params["bio"], Registration.description(registration)])
- with {:ok, new_user} <-
- User.register_changeset(
- %User{},
- %{
- name: info.name,
- bio: info.description,
- email: email,
- nickname: nickname,
- password: random_password,
- password_confirmation: random_password
- },
- external: true,
- confirmed: true
- )
- |> Repo.insert(),
- {:ok, _} <-
- Registration.changeset(%Registration{}, %{
- user_id: new_user.id,
- provider: to_string(provider),
- uid: to_string(uid),
- info: %{nickname: info.nickname, email: info.email}
- })
- |> Repo.insert() do
- {:ok, new_user}
- end
+ random_password = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64()
+ with {:ok, new_user} <-
+ User.register_changeset(
+ %User{},
+ %{
+ email: email,
+ nickname: nickname,
+ name: name,
+ bio: bio,
+ password: random_password,
+ password_confirmation: random_password
+ },
+ external: true,
+ confirmed: true
+ )
+ |> Repo.insert(),
+ {:ok, _} <-
+ Registration.changeset(registration, %{user_id: new_user.id}) |> Repo.update() do
+ {:ok, new_user}
- def get_by_external_registration(%Plug.Conn{} = _conn, _params),
- do: {:error, :missing_credentials}
+ defp value(list), do: Enum.find(list, &(to_string(&1) != ""))
def handle_error(%Plug.Conn{} = _conn, error) do
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
+ alias Pleroma.Registration
alias Pleroma.Web.Auth.Authenticator
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.App
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Authorization
- def request(conn, params) do
- message =
- if params["provider"] do
- "Unsupported OAuth provider: #{params["provider"]}."
- else
- "Bad OAuth request."
- end
- conn
- |> put_flash(:error, message)
- |> redirect(to: "/")
- end
- def callback(%{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: failure}} = conn, %{"redirect_uri" => redirect_uri}) do
- messages = for e <- Map.get(failure, :errors, []), do: e.message
- message = Enum.join(messages, "; ")
- conn
- |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to authenticate: #{message}.")
- |> redirect(external: redirect_uri(conn, redirect_uri))
- end
- def callback(
- conn,
- %{"client_id" => client_id, "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri} = params
- ) do
- with {:ok, user} <- Authenticator.get_by_external_registration(conn, params) do
- do_create_authorization(
- conn,
- %{
- "authorization" => %{
- "client_id" => client_id,
- "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri,
- "scope" => oauth_scopes(params, nil)
- }
- },
- user
- )
- else
- _ ->
- conn
- |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to set up user account.")
- |> redirect(external: redirect_uri(conn, redirect_uri))
- end
- end
def authorize(conn, params) do
app = Repo.get_by(App, client_id: params["client_id"])
available_scopes = (app && app.scopes) || []
- def create_authorization(conn, params), do: do_create_authorization(conn, params, nil)
- defp do_create_authorization(
- conn,
- %{
- "authorization" =>
- %{
- "client_id" => client_id,
- "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri
- } = auth_params
- } = params,
- user
- ) do
- with {_, {:ok, %User{} = user}} <-
- {:get_user, (user && {:ok, user}) || Authenticator.get_user(conn, params)},
- %App{} = app <- Repo.get_by(App, client_id: client_id),
- true <- redirect_uri in String.split(app.redirect_uris),
- scopes <- oauth_scopes(auth_params, []),
- {:unsupported_scopes, []} <- {:unsupported_scopes, scopes -- app.scopes},
- # Note: `scope` param is intentionally not optional in this context
- {:missing_scopes, false} <- {:missing_scopes, scopes == []},
- {:auth_active, true} <- {:auth_active, User.auth_active?(user)},
- {:ok, auth} <- Authorization.create_authorization(app, user, scopes) do
+ def create_authorization(
+ conn,
+ %{
+ "authorization" => %{"redirect_uri" => redirect_uri} = auth_params
+ } = params,
+ opts \\ []
+ ) do
+ with {:ok, auth} <-
+ (opts[:auth] && {:ok, opts[:auth]}) ||
+ do_create_authorization(conn, params, opts[:user]) do
redirect_uri = redirect_uri(conn, redirect_uri)
cond do
+ def request(conn, params) do
+ message =
+ if params["provider"] do
+ "Unsupported OAuth provider: #{params["provider"]}."
+ else
+ "Bad OAuth request."
+ end
+ conn
+ |> put_flash(:error, message)
+ |> redirect(to: "/")
+ end
+ def callback(%{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: failure}} = conn, %{"redirect_uri" => redirect_uri}) do
+ messages = for e <- Map.get(failure, :errors, []), do: e.message
+ message = Enum.join(messages, "; ")
+ conn
+ |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to authenticate: #{message}.")
+ |> redirect(external: redirect_uri(conn, redirect_uri))
+ end
+ def callback(
+ conn,
+ %{"client_id" => client_id, "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri} = params
+ ) do
+ with {:ok, registration} <- Authenticator.get_registration(conn, params) do
+ user = Repo.preload(registration, :user).user
+ auth_params = %{
+ "client_id" => client_id,
+ "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri,
+ "scopes" => oauth_scopes(params, nil)
+ }
+ if user do
+ create_authorization(
+ conn,
+ %{"authorization" => auth_params},
+ user: user
+ )
+ else
+ registration_params =
+ Map.merge(auth_params, %{
+ "nickname" => Registration.nickname(registration),
+ "email" => Registration.email(registration)
+ })
+ conn
+ |> put_session(:registration_id, registration.id)
+ |> redirect(to: o_auth_path(conn, :registration_details, registration_params))
+ end
+ else
+ _ ->
+ conn
+ |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to set up user account.")
+ |> redirect(external: redirect_uri(conn, redirect_uri))
+ end
+ end
+ def registration_details(conn, params) do
+ render(conn, "register.html", %{
+ client_id: params["client_id"],
+ redirect_uri: params["redirect_uri"],
+ scopes: oauth_scopes(params, []),
+ nickname: params["nickname"],
+ email: params["email"]
+ })
+ end
+ def register(conn, %{"op" => "connect"} = params) do
+ create_authorization_params = %{
+ "authorization" => Map.merge(params, %{"name" => params["auth_name"]})
+ }
+ with registration_id when not is_nil(registration_id) <- get_session_registration_id(conn),
+ %Registration{} = registration <- Repo.get(Registration, registration_id),
+ {:ok, auth} <- do_create_authorization(conn, create_authorization_params),
+ %User{} = user <- Repo.preload(auth, :user).user,
+ {:ok, _updated_registration} <- Registration.bind_to_user(registration, user) do
+ conn
+ |> put_session_registration_id(nil)
+ |> create_authorization(
+ create_authorization_params,
+ auth: auth
+ )
+ else
+ _ ->
+ conn
+ |> put_flash(:error, "Unknown error, please try again.")
+ |> redirect(to: o_auth_path(conn, :registration_details, params))
+ end
+ end
+ def register(conn, params) do
+ with registration_id when not is_nil(registration_id) <- get_session_registration_id(conn),
+ %Registration{} = registration <- Repo.get(Registration, registration_id),
+ {:ok, user} <- Authenticator.create_from_registration(conn, params, registration) do
+ conn
+ |> put_session_registration_id(nil)
+ |> create_authorization(
+ %{
+ "authorization" => %{
+ "client_id" => params["client_id"],
+ "redirect_uri" => params["redirect_uri"],
+ "scopes" => oauth_scopes(params, nil)
+ }
+ },
+ user: user
+ )
+ else
+ {:error, changeset} ->
+ message =
+ Enum.map(changeset.errors, fn {field, {error, _}} ->
+ "#{field} #{error}"
+ end)
+ |> Enum.join("; ")
+ message =
+ String.replace(
+ message,
+ "ap_id has already been taken",
+ "nickname has already been taken"
+ )
+ conn
+ |> put_flash(:error, "Error: #{message}.")
+ |> redirect(to: o_auth_path(conn, :registration_details, params))
+ _ ->
+ conn
+ |> put_flash(:error, "Unknown error, please try again.")
+ |> redirect(to: o_auth_path(conn, :registration_details, params))
+ end
+ end
+ defp do_create_authorization(
+ conn,
+ %{
+ "authorization" =>
+ %{
+ "client_id" => client_id,
+ "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri
+ } = auth_params
+ } = params,
+ user \\ nil
+ ) do
+ with {_, {:ok, %User{} = user}} <-
+ {:get_user, (user && {:ok, user}) || Authenticator.get_user(conn, params)},
+ %App{} = app <- Repo.get_by(App, client_id: client_id),
+ true <- redirect_uri in String.split(app.redirect_uris),
+ scopes <- oauth_scopes(auth_params, []),
+ {:unsupported_scopes, []} <- {:unsupported_scopes, scopes -- app.scopes},
+ # Note: `scope` param is intentionally not optional in this context
+ {:missing_scopes, false} <- {:missing_scopes, scopes == []},
+ {:auth_active, true} <- {:auth_active, User.auth_active?(user)} do
+ Authorization.create_authorization(app, user, scopes)
+ end
+ end
# XXX - for whatever reason our token arrives urlencoded, but Plug.Conn should be
# decoding it. Investigate sometime.
defp fix_padding(token) do
defp redirect_uri(conn, "."), do: mastodon_api_url(conn, :login)
defp redirect_uri(_conn, redirect_uri), do: redirect_uri
+ defp get_session_registration_id(conn), do: get_session(conn, :registration_id)
+ defp put_session_registration_id(conn, registration_id),
+ do: put_session(conn, :registration_id, registration_id)