- # TODO: Make secure.
+ # TODO: We presently assume that any actor on the same origin domain as the object being
+ # deleted has the rights to delete that object. A better way to validate whether or not
+ # the object should be deleted is to refetch the object URI, which should return either
+ # an error or a tombstone. This would allow us to verify that a deletion actually took
+ # place.
def handle_incoming(
- %{"type" => "Delete", "object" => object_id, "actor" => actor, "id" => _id} = data
+ %{"type" => "Delete", "object" => object_id, "actor" => _actor, "id" => _id} = data
) do
object_id = Utils.get_ap_id(object_id)
with actor <- get_actor(data),
- %User{} = _actor <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(actor),
+ %User{} = actor <- User.get_or_fetch_by_ap_id(actor),
{:ok, object} <- get_obj_helper(object_id) || fetch_obj_helper(object_id),
+ :ok <- contain_origin(actor.ap_id, object.data),
{:ok, activity} <- ActivityPub.delete(object, false) do
{:ok, activity}
refute Repo.get(Activity, activity.id)
+ test "it fails for incoming deletes with spoofed origin" do
+ activity = insert(:note_activity)
+ data =
+ File.read!("test/fixtures/mastodon-delete.json")
+ |> Poison.decode!()
+ object =
+ data["object"]
+ |> Map.put("id", activity.data["object"]["id"])
+ data =
+ data
+ |> Map.put("object", object)
+ :error = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(data)
+ assert Repo.get(Activity, activity.id)
+ end
test "it works for incoming unannounces with an existing notice" do
user = insert(:user)
{:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey"})