{:ok, args} <- prepare_image_resize_args(options),
url = Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.url(url),
{:ok, env} <- Pleroma.HTTP.get(url),
- {:ok, fifo_path} <- mkfifo()
- do
+ {:ok, fifo_path} <- mkfifo() do
args = List.flatten([fifo_path, args])
run_fifo(fifo_path, env, executable, args)
defp prepare_image_resize_args(%{max_width: max_width, max_height: max_height} = options) do
quality = options[:quality] || 85
resize = Enum.join([max_width, "x", max_height, ">"])
args = [
- "-interlace", "Plane",
- "-resize", resize,
- "-quality", to_string(quality),
- "jpg:-"
+ "-interlace",
+ "Plane",
+ "-resize",
+ resize,
+ "-quality",
+ to_string(quality),
+ "jpg:-"
{:ok, args}
{:ok, fifo_path} <- mkfifo(),
args = [
- "-i", fifo_path,
- "-vframes", "1",
- "-f", "mjpeg",
- "-loglevel", "error",
- "pipe:"
+ "-i",
+ fifo_path,
+ "-vframes",
+ "1",
+ "-f",
+ "mjpeg",
+ "-loglevel",
+ "error",
+ "-"
] do
run_fifo(fifo_path, env, executable, args)
defp run_fifo(fifo_path, env, executable, args) do
- pid = Port.open({:spawn_executable, executable}, [:use_stdio, :stream, :exit_status, :binary, args: args])
+ pid =
+ Port.open({:spawn_executable, executable}, [
+ :use_stdio,
+ :stream,
+ :exit_status,
+ :binary,
+ args: args
+ ])
fifo = Port.open(to_charlist(fifo_path), [:eof, :binary, :stream, :out])
- true = Port.command(fifo, env.body)
+ fix = Pleroma.Helpers.QtFastStart.fix(env.body)
+ true = Port.command(fifo, fix)
defp mkfifo() do
path = "#{@tmp_base}#{to_charlist(:erlang.phash2(self()))}"
case System.cmd("mkfifo", [path]) do
{_, 0} ->
{:ok, path}
{_, err} ->
{:error, {:fifo_failed, err}}
defp fifo_guard(path) do
pid = self()
- fn() ->
+ fn ->
ref = Process.monitor(pid)
receive do
{:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, _} ->
receive do
{^pid, {:data, data}} ->
loop_recv(pid, acc <> data)
{^pid, {:exit_status, 0}} ->
{:ok, acc}
{^pid, {:exit_status, status}} ->
{:error, status}
- after
- 5000 ->
- :erlang.port_close(pid)
- {:error, :timeout}
+ after
+ 5000 ->
+ :erlang.port_close(pid)
+ {:error, :timeout}
--- /dev/null
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Helpers.QtFastStart do
+ @moduledoc """
+ (WIP) Converts a "slow start" (data before metadatas) mov/mp4 file to a "fast start" one (metadatas before data).
+ """
+ # TODO: Cleanup and optimizations
+ # Inspirations: https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/3.4/qt-faststart_8c_source.html
+ # https://github.com/danielgtaylor/qtfaststart/blob/master/qtfaststart/processor.py
+ # ISO/IEC 14496-12:2015, ISO/IEC 15444-12:2015
+ # Paracetamol
+ def fix(binary = <<0x00, 0x00, 0x00, _, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, _::binary>>) do
+ index = fix(binary, binary, 0, [])
+ case index do
+ [{"ftyp", _, _, _, _}, {"mdat", _, _, _, _} | _] -> faststart(index)
+ [{"ftyp", _, _, _, _}, {"free", _, _, _, _}, {"mdat", _, _, _, _} | _] -> faststart(index)
+ _ -> binary
+ end
+ end
+ def fix(binary) do
+ binary
+ end
+ defp fix(<<>>, _bin, _pos, acc) do
+ :lists.reverse(acc)
+ end
+ defp fix(
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4), rest::binary>>,
+ bin,
+ pos,
+ acc
+ ) do
+ if fourcc == "mdat" && size == 0 do
+ # mdat with 0 size means "seek to the end" -- also, in that case the file is probably OK.
+ acc = [
+ {fourcc, pos, byte_size(bin) - pos, byte_size(bin) - pos,
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4), rest::binary>>}
+ | acc
+ ]
+ fix(<<>>, bin, byte_size(bin), acc)
+ else
+ full_size = size - 8
+ <<data::binary-size(full_size), rest::binary>> = rest
+ acc = [
+ {fourcc, pos, pos + size, size,
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4), data::binary>>}
+ | acc
+ ]
+ fix(rest, bin, pos + size, acc)
+ end
+ end
+ defp faststart(index) do
+ {{_ftyp, _, _, _, ftyp}, index} = List.keytake(index, "ftyp", 0)
+ # Skip re-writing the free fourcc as it's kind of useless. Why stream useless bytes when you can do without?
+ {free_size, index} =
+ case List.keytake(index, "free", 0) do
+ {{_, _, _, size, _}, index} -> {size, index}
+ _ -> {0, index}
+ end
+ {{_moov, _, _, moov_size, moov}, index} = List.keytake(index, "moov", 0)
+ offset = -free_size + moov_size
+ rest = for {_, _, _, _, data} <- index, do: data, into: <<>>
+ <<moov_head::binary-size(8), moov_data::binary>> = moov
+ new_moov = fix_moov(moov_data, offset)
+ <<ftyp::binary, moov_head::binary, new_moov::binary, rest::binary>>
+ end
+ defp fix_moov(moov, offset) do
+ fix_moov(moov, offset, <<>>)
+ end
+ defp fix_moov(<<>>, _, acc), do: acc
+ defp fix_moov(
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4), rest::binary>>,
+ offset,
+ acc
+ ) do
+ full_size = size - 8
+ <<data::binary-size(full_size), rest::binary>> = rest
+ data =
+ cond do
+ fourcc in ["trak", "mdia", "minf", "stbl"] ->
+ # Theses contains sto or co64 part
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4),
+ fix_moov(data, offset, <<>>)::binary>>
+ fourcc in ["stco", "co64"] ->
+ # fix the damn thing
+ <<version::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), count::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8),
+ rest::binary>> = data
+ entry_size =
+ case fourcc do
+ "stco" -> 4
+ "co64" -> 8
+ end
+ {_, result} =
+ Enum.reduce(1..count, {rest, <<>>}, fn _,
+ {<<pos::integer-big-size(entry_size)-unit(8),
+ rest::binary>>, acc} ->
+ {rest, <<acc::binary, pos + offset::integer-big-size(entry_size)-unit(8)>>}
+ end)
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4),
+ version::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), count::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8),
+ result::binary>>
+ true ->
+ <<size::integer-big-size(4)-unit(8), fourcc::binary-size(4), data::binary>>
+ end
+ acc = <<acc::binary, data::binary>>
+ fix_moov(rest, offset, acc)
+ end