@doc """
Set the rich media cache based on the expiration time of image.
- Define a module that has `run` function
+ Adopt behaviour `Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL`
## Example
defmodule MyModule do
- def run(data, url) do
+ @behaviour Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL
+ def ttl(data, url) do
image_url = Map.get(data, :image)
# do some parsing in the url and get the ttl of the image
- # ttl is unix time
- ttl = parse_ttl_from_url(image_url)
- Cachex.expire_at(:rich_media_cache, url, ttl * 1000)
+ # and return ttl is unix time
+ parse_ttl_from_url(image_url)
ttl_setters: [MyModule]
def set_ttl_based_on_image({:ok, data}, url) do
- case Cachex.ttl(:rich_media_cache, url) do
- {:ok, nil} ->
- modules = Pleroma.Config.get([:rich_media, :ttl_setters])
- if Enum.count(modules) > 0 do
- Enum.each(modules, & &1.run(data, url))
- end
- {:ok, data}
+ with {:ok, nil} <- Cachex.ttl(:rich_media_cache, url) do
+ ttl = get_ttl_from_image(data, url)
+ Cachex.expire_at(:rich_media_cache, url, ttl * 1000)
+ {:ok, data}
+ else
_ ->
{:ok, data}
- def set_ttl_based_on_image(data, _url), do: data
+ defp get_ttl_from_image(data, url) do
+ Pleroma.Config.get([:rich_media, :ttl_setters])
+ |> Enum.reduce({:ok, nil}, fn
+ module, {:ok, _ttl} ->
+ module.ttl(data, url)
+ _, error ->
+ error
+ end)
+ end
defp parse_url(url) do
try do
defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL.AwsSignedUrl do
- def run(data, url) do
+ @behaviour Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL
+ @impl Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL
+ def ttl(data, _url) do
image = Map.get(data, :image)
if is_aws_signed_url(image) do
|> parse_query_params()
|> format_query_params()
|> get_expiration_timestamp()
- |> set_ttl(url)
Timex.to_unix(date) + String.to_integer(Map.get(params, "X-Amz-Expires"))
- defp set_ttl(ttl, url) do
- Cachex.expire_at(:rich_media_cache, url, ttl * 1000)
- end
defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.TTL.AwsSignedUrlTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
- test "amazon signed url is parsed and correct ttl is set for rich media" do
+ test "s3 signed url is parsed correct for expiration time" do
url = "https://pleroma.social/amz"
{:ok, timestamp} =
# in seconds
valid_till = 30
- data = %{
- image:
- "https://pleroma.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/sachin%20%281%29%20_a%20-%25%2Aasdasd%20BNN%20bnnn%20.png?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIBLWWK6RGDQXDLJQ%2F20190716%2Fap-southeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=#{
- timestamp
- }&X-Amz-Expires=#{valid_till}&X-Amz-Signature=04ffd6b98634f4b1bbabc62e0fac4879093cd54a6eed24fe8eb38e8369526bbf&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host",
- locale: "en_US",
- site_name: "Pleroma",
- title: "PLeroma",
- url: url
- }
+ metadata = construct_metadata(timestamp, valid_till, url)
+ expire_time =
+ Timex.parse!(timestamp, "{ISO:Basic:Z}") |> Timex.to_unix() |> Kernel.+(valid_till)
+ assert expire_time == Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL.AwsSignedUrl.ttl(metadata, url)
+ end
+ test "s3 signed url is parsed and correct ttl is set for rich media" do
+ url = "https://pleroma.social/amz"
+ {:ok, timestamp} =
+ Timex.now()
+ |> DateTime.truncate(:second)
+ |> Timex.format("{ISO:Basic:Z}")
+ # in seconds
+ valid_till = 30
+ metadata = construct_metadata(timestamp, valid_till, url)
+ body = """
+ <meta name="twitter:card" content="Pleroma" />
+ <meta name="twitter:site" content="Pleroma" />
+ <meta name="twitter:title" content="Pleroma" />
+ <meta name="twitter:description" content="Pleroma" />
+ <meta name="twitter:image" content="#{Map.get(metadata, :image)}" />
+ """
+ Tesla.Mock.mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://pleroma.social/amz"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: body}
+ end)
+ Cachex.put(:rich_media_cache, url, metadata)
+ Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.set_ttl_based_on_image({:ok, metadata}, url)
- Cachex.put(:rich_media_cache, url, data)
- assert {:ok, _} = Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser.TTL.AwsSignedUrl.run(data, url)
{:ok, cache_ttl} = Cachex.ttl(:rich_media_cache, url)
# as there is delay in setting and pulling the data from cache we ignore 1 second
assert_in_delta(valid_till * 1000, cache_ttl, 1000)
+ defp construct_s3_url(timestamp, valid_till) do
+ "https://pleroma.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/sachin%20%281%29%20_a%20-%25%2Aasdasd%20BNN%20bnnn%20.png?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIBLWWK6RGDQXDLJQ%2F20190716%2Fap-southeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=#{
+ timestamp
+ }&X-Amz-Expires=#{valid_till}&X-Amz-Signature=04ffd6b98634f4b1bbabc62e0fac4879093cd54a6eed24fe8eb38e8369526bbf&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host"
+ end
+ defp construct_metadata(timestamp, valid_till, url) do
+ %{
+ image: construct_s3_url(timestamp, valid_till),
+ site: "Pleroma",
+ title: "Pleroma",
+ description: "Pleroma",
+ url: url
+ }
+ end