+ describe "POST /api/qvitter/statuses/notifications/read" do
+ setup [:valid_user]
+ test "without valid credentials", %{conn: conn} do
+ conn = post(conn, "/api/qvitter/statuses/notifications/read", %{"latest_id" => 1_234_567})
+ assert json_response(conn, 403) == %{"error" => "Invalid credentials."}
+ end
+ test "with credentials, without any params", %{conn: conn, user: current_user} do
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |> with_credentials(current_user.nickname, "test")
+ |> post("/api/qvitter/statuses/notifications/read")
+ assert json_response(conn, 400) == %{
+ "error" => "You need to specify latest_id",
+ "request" => "/api/qvitter/statuses/notifications/read"
+ }
+ end
+ test "with credentials, with params", %{conn: conn, user: current_user} do
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, _activity} =
+ ActivityBuilder.insert(%{"to" => [current_user.ap_id]}, %{user: other_user})
+ response_conn =
+ conn
+ |> with_credentials(current_user.nickname, "test")
+ |> get("/api/qvitter/statuses/notifications.json")
+ [notification] = response = json_response(response_conn, 200)
+ assert length(response) == 1
+ assert notification["is_seen"] == 0
+ response_conn =
+ conn
+ |> with_credentials(current_user.nickname, "test")
+ |> post("/api/qvitter/statuses/notifications/read", %{"latest_id" => notification["id"]})
+ [notification] = response = json_response(response_conn, 200)
+ assert length(response) == 1
+ assert notification["is_seen"] == 1
+ end
+ end
describe "GET /statuses/user_timeline.json" do
setup [:valid_user]