def follow_import(%{assigns: %{user: follower}} = conn, %{"list" => list}) do
- with followed_identifiers <- String.split(list),
+ with lines <- String.split(list, "\n"),
+ followed_identifiers <-
+ Enum.map(lines, fn line ->
+ String.split(line, ",") |> List.first()
+ end)
+ |> List.delete("Account address"),
{:ok, _} = Task.start(fn -> User.follow_import(follower, followed_identifiers) end) do
json(conn, "job started")
assert response == "job started"
+ test "it imports new-style mastodon follow lists", %{conn: conn} do
+ user1 = insert(:user)
+ user2 = insert(:user)
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, user1)
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/follow_import", %{
+ "list" => "Account address,Show boosts\n#{user2.ap_id},true"
+ })
+ |> json_response(:ok)
+ assert response == "job started"
+ end
test "requires 'follow' permission", %{conn: conn} do
token1 = insert(:oauth_token, scopes: ["read", "write"])
token2 = insert(:oauth_token, scopes: ["follow"])