--- /dev/null
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate do
+ @moduledoc """
+ This plug is based on [`OpenApiSpex.Plug.CastAndValidate`]
+ (https://github.com/open-api-spex/open_api_spex/blob/master/lib/open_api_spex/plug/cast_and_validate.ex).
+ The main difference is ignoring unexpected query params
+ instead of throwing an error. Also, the default rendering
+ error module is `Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.RenderError`.
+ """
+ @behaviour Plug
+ alias Plug.Conn
+ @impl Plug
+ def init(opts) do
+ opts
+ |> Map.new()
+ |> Map.put_new(:render_error, Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.RenderError)
+ end
+ @impl Plug
+ def call(%{private: %{open_api_spex: private_data}} = conn, %{
+ operation_id: operation_id,
+ render_error: render_error
+ }) do
+ spec = private_data.spec
+ operation = private_data.operation_lookup[operation_id]
+ content_type =
+ case Conn.get_req_header(conn, "content-type") do
+ [header_value | _] ->
+ header_value
+ |> String.split(";")
+ |> List.first()
+ _ ->
+ nil
+ end
+ private_data = Map.put(private_data, :operation_id, operation_id)
+ conn = Conn.put_private(conn, :open_api_spex, private_data)
+ case cast_and_validate(spec, operation, conn, content_type) do
+ {:ok, conn} ->
+ conn
+ {:error, reason} ->
+ opts = render_error.init(reason)
+ conn
+ |> render_error.call(opts)
+ |> Plug.Conn.halt()
+ end
+ end
+ def call(
+ %{
+ private: %{
+ phoenix_controller: controller,
+ phoenix_action: action,
+ open_api_spex: private_data
+ }
+ } = conn,
+ opts
+ ) do
+ operation =
+ case private_data.operation_lookup[{controller, action}] do
+ nil ->
+ operation_id = controller.open_api_operation(action).operationId
+ operation = private_data.operation_lookup[operation_id]
+ operation_lookup =
+ private_data.operation_lookup
+ |> Map.put({controller, action}, operation)
+ OpenApiSpex.Plug.Cache.adapter().put(
+ private_data.spec_module,
+ {private_data.spec, operation_lookup}
+ )
+ operation
+ operation ->
+ operation
+ end
+ if operation.operationId do
+ call(conn, Map.put(opts, :operation_id, operation.operationId))
+ else
+ raise "operationId was not found in action API spec"
+ end
+ end
+ def call(conn, opts), do: OpenApiSpex.Plug.CastAndValidate.call(conn, opts)
+ defp cast_and_validate(spec, operation, conn, content_type) do
+ case OpenApiSpex.cast_and_validate(spec, operation, conn, content_type) do
+ {:ok, conn} ->
+ {:ok, conn}
+ # Remove unexpected query params and cast/validate again
+ {:error, errors} ->
+ query_params =
+ Enum.reduce(errors, conn.query_params, fn
+ %{reason: :unexpected_field, name: name, path: [name]}, params ->
+ Map.delete(params, name)
+ _, params ->
+ params
+ end)
+ conn = %Conn{conn | query_params: query_params}
+ OpenApiSpex.cast_and_validate(spec, operation, conn, content_type)
+ end
+ end