# Executed just before actual controller action, invokes before-action hooks (callbacks)
defp action(conn, params) do
- with %{halted: false} = conn <- maybe_drop_authentication_if_oauth_check_ignored(conn),
+ with %{halted: false} = conn <-
+ maybe_drop_authentication_if_oauth_check_ignored(conn),
%{halted: false} = conn <- maybe_perform_public_or_authenticated_check(conn),
%{halted: false} = conn <- maybe_perform_authenticated_check(conn),
%{halted: false} = conn <- maybe_halt_on_missing_oauth_scopes_check(conn) do
def base_url do
+ def get_api_routes do
+ Pleroma.Web.Router.__routes__()
+ |> Stream.reject(fn r -> r.plug == Pleroma.Web.Fallback.RedirectController end)
+ |> Enum.map(fn r ->
+ r.path
+ |> String.split("/", trim: true)
+ |> List.first()
+ end)
+ |> Enum.uniq()
+ end
@behaviour Plug
+ @api_routes Pleroma.Web.get_api_routes()
def file_path(path, frontend_type \\ :primary) do
if configuration = Pleroma.Config.get([:frontends, frontend_type]) do
instance_static_path = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir], "instance/static")
def call(conn, opts) do
- with false <- invalid_path?(conn.path_info),
+ with false <- api_route?(conn.path_info),
+ false <- invalid_path?(conn.path_info),
frontend_type <- Map.get(opts, :frontend_type, :primary),
path when not is_nil(path) <- file_path("", frontend_type) do
call_static(conn, opts, path)
defp invalid_path?([h | t], match), do: String.contains?(h, match) or invalid_path?(t)
defp invalid_path?([], _match), do: false
+ defp api_route?(list) when is_list(list) and length(list) > 0 do
+ List.first(list) in @api_routes
+ end
+ defp api_route?(_), do: false
defp call_static(conn, opts, from) do
opts = Map.put(opts, :from, from)
Plug.Static.call(conn, opts)