This is to prevent wrong values in the stream.
{:ok, chat} = Chat.bump_or_create(, other_user.ap_id)
{:ok, cm_ref} = ChatMessageReference.create(chat, object, user.ap_id != actor.ap_id)
+ # We add a cache of the unread value here so that it doesn't change when being streamed out
+ chat =
+ chat
+ |> Map.put(:unread, ChatMessageReference.unread_count_for_chat(chat))
["user", "user:pleroma_chat"],
{user, %{cm_ref | chat: chat, object: object}}
id: |> to_string(),
account: AccountView.render("show.json", Map.put(opts, :user, recipient)),
- unread: ChatMessageReference.unread_count_for_chat(chat),
+ unread: Map.get(chat, :unread) || ChatMessageReference.unread_count_for_chat(chat),
last_message &&
ChatMessageReferenceView.render("show.json", chat_message_reference: last_message),
if should_env_send?(), do: Registry.unregister(@registry, topic)
- def stream(topics, item) when is_list(topics) do
+ def stream(topics, items) do
if should_env_send?() do
- Enum.each(topics, fn t ->
- spawn(fn -> do_stream(t, item) end)
+ List.wrap(topics)
+ |> Enum.each(fn topic ->
+ List.wrap(items)
+ |> Enum.each(fn item ->
+ spawn(fn -> do_stream(topic, item) end)
+ end)
- def stream(topic, items) when is_list(items) do
- if should_env_send?() do
- Enum.each(items, fn i ->
- spawn(fn -> do_stream(topic, i) end)
- end)
- :ok
- end
- end
- def stream(topic, item) do
- if should_env_send?() do
- spawn(fn -> do_stream(topic, item) end)
- end
- :ok
- end
def filtered_by_user?(%User{} = user, %Activity{} = item) do
%{block: blocked_ap_ids, mute: muted_ap_ids, reblog_mute: reblog_muted_ap_ids} =
User.outgoing_relationships_ap_ids(user, [:block, :mute, :reblog_mute])
# Explicitly giving the cmr for the object here, so we don't accidentally
# send a later 'last_message' that was inserted between inserting this and
# streaming it out
+ #
+ # It also contains the chat with a cache of the correct unread count
Logger.debug("Trying to stream out #{inspect(cm_ref)}")
representation =
import Pleroma.Factory
+ test "giving a chat with an 'unread' field, it uses that" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ recipient = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, chat} = Chat.get_or_create(, recipient.ap_id)
+ chat =
+ chat
+ |> Map.put(:unread, 5)
+ represented_chat = ChatView.render("show.json", chat: chat)
+ assert represented_chat[:unread] == 5
+ end
test "it represents a chat" do
user = insert(:user)
recipient = insert(:user)