def to_masto_date(_), do: ""
defp shortname(name) do
- if String.length(name) < 30 do
- name
+ with max_length when max_length > 0 <-
+ Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :filename_display_max_length], 30),
+ true <- String.length(name) > max_length do
+ String.slice(name, 0..max_length) <> "…"
- String.slice(name, 0..30) <> "…"
+ _ -> name
@public_address ""
- test "it adds attachment links to a given text and attachment set" do
- name =
- "Sakura%20Mana%20%E2%80%93%20Turned%20on%20by%20a%20Senior%20OL%20with%20a%20Temptating%20Tight%20Skirt-s%20Full%20Hipline%20and%20Panty%20Shot-%20Beautiful%20Thick%20Thighs-%20and%20Erotic%20Ass-%20-2015-%20--%20Oppaitime%208-28-2017%206-50-33%20PM.png"
+ describe "add_attachments/2" do
+ setup do
+ name =
+ "Sakura Mana – Turned on by a Senior OL with a Temptating Tight Skirt-s Full Hipline and Panty Shot- Beautiful Thick Thighs- and Erotic Ass- -2015- -- Oppaitime 8-28-2017 6-50-33 PM.png"
- attachment = %{
- "url" => [%{"href" => name}]
- }
+ attachment = %{
+ "url" => [%{"href" => URI.encode(name)}]
+ }
- res = Utils.add_attachments("", [attachment])
+ %{name: name, attachment: attachment}
+ end
+ test "it adds attachment links to a given text and attachment set", %{
+ name: name,
+ attachment: attachment
+ } do
+ len = 10
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :filename_display_max_length], len)
- assert res ==
- "<br><a href=\"#{name}\" class='attachment'>Sakura Mana – Turned on by a Se…</a>"
+ expected =
+ "<br><a href=\"#{URI.encode(name)}\" class='attachment'>#{String.slice(name, 0..len)}…</a>"
+ assert Utils.add_attachments("", [attachment]) == expected
+ end
+ test "doesn't truncate file name if config for truncate is set to 0", %{
+ name: name,
+ attachment: attachment
+ } do
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :filename_display_max_length], 0)
+ expected = "<br><a href=\"#{URI.encode(name)}\" class='attachment'>#{name}</a>"
+ assert Utils.add_attachments("", [attachment]) == expected
+ end
describe "it confirms the password given is the current users password" do