## Setup and test the new search config
-In most cases, you would need an extension installed to support parsing CJK text. Here are a few extension you may choose from, or you are more than welcome to share additional ones you found working for you with the rest of Pleroma community.
+In most cases, you would need an extension installed to support parsing CJK text. Here are a few extensions you may choose from, or you are more than welcome to share additional ones you found working for you with the rest of Pleroma community.
* [a generic n-gram parser](https://github.com/huangjimmy/pg_cjk_parser) supports Simplifed/Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
* [a Korean parser](https://github.com/i0seph/textsearch_ko) based on mecab
mix pleroma.database set_text_search_config YOUR.CONFIG
-Note: index update may take a while.
+Note: index update may take a while, and it can be done while the instance is up and running, so you may restart db connection as soon as you see `Recreate index` in task output.
## Restart database connection
Since some changes above will only apply with a new database connection, you will have to restart either Pleroma or PostgreSQL process, or use `pg_terminate_backend` SQL command without restarting either.
new.fts_content := to_tsvector(new.data->>'content');
- $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql"
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql",
+ [],
+ timeout: :infinity
shell_info("Refresh RUM index")
- "CREATE INDEX objects_fts ON objects USING gin(to_tsvector('#{tsconfig}', data->>'content')); "
+ "CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY objects_fts ON objects USING gin(to_tsvector('#{tsconfig}', data->>'content')); ",
+ [],
+ timeout: :infinity