private_key: "_-XZ0iebPrRfZ_o0-IatTdszYa8VCH1yLN-JauK7HHA"
-config :web_push_encryption, :http_client, Pleroma.Web.WebPushHttpClientMock
config :pleroma, Pleroma.ScheduledActivity,
daily_user_limit: 2,
total_user_limit: 3,
config :ex_aws, http_client: Pleroma.HTTP.ExAws
-config :web_push_encryption, http_client: Pleroma.HTTP
+config :web_push_encryption, http_client: Pleroma.HTTP.WebPush
config :pleroma, :instances_favicons, enabled: false
private_key: "_-XZ0iebPrRfZ_o0-IatTdszYa8VCH1yLN-JauK7HHA"
-config :web_push_encryption, :http_client, Pleroma.Web.WebPushHttpClientMock
config :pleroma, Oban,
queues: false,
crontab: false,
--- /dev/null
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.WebPush do
+ @moduledoc false
+ def post(url, payload, headers) do
+ list_headers = Map.to_list(headers)
+ Pleroma.HTTP.post(url, payload, list_headers)
+ end
@types ["Create", "Follow", "Announce", "Like", "Move"]
@doc "Performs sending notifications for user subscriptions"
- @spec perform(Notification.t()) :: list(any) | :error
+ @spec perform(Notification.t()) :: list(any) | :error | {:error, :unknown_type}
def perform(
activity: %{data: %{"type" => activity_type}} = activity,
@doc "Push message to web"
def push_message(body, sub, api_key, subscription) do
case WebPushEncryption.send_web_push(body, sub, api_key) do
- {:ok, %{status_code: code}} when 400 <= code and code < 500 ->
+ {:ok, %{status: code}} when code in 400..499 ->
Logger.debug("Removing subscription record")
- {:ok, %{status_code: code}} when 200 <= code and code < 300 ->
+ {:ok, %{status: code}} when code in 200..299 ->
- {:ok, %{status_code: code}} ->
+ {:ok, %{status: code}} ->
Logger.error("Web Push Notification failed with code: #{code}")
- _ ->
- Logger.error("Web Push Notification failed with unknown error")
+ error ->
+ Logger.error("Web Push Notification failed with #{inspect(error)}")
+++ /dev/null
-# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
-defmodule Pleroma.Web.WebPushHttpClientMock do
- def get(url, headers \\ [], options \\ []) do
- {
- res,
- %Tesla.Env{status: status}
- } = Pleroma.HTTP.request(:get, url, "", headers, options)
- {res, %{status_code: status}}
- end
- def post(url, body, headers \\ [], options \\ []) do
- {
- res,
- %Tesla.Env{status: status}
- } = Pleroma.HTTP.request(:post, url, body, headers, options)
- {res, %{status_code: status}}
- end
defmodule Pleroma.Web.Push.ImplTest do
use Pleroma.DataCase
+ import Pleroma.Factory
alias Pleroma.Notification
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Pleroma.Web.Push.Impl
alias Pleroma.Web.Push.Subscription
- alias Pleroma.Web.WebPushHttpClientMock
- import Mock
- import Pleroma.Factory
setup do
assert Impl.push_message(@message, @sub, @api_key, %Subscription{}) == :ok
- test_with_mock "uses WebPushHttpClientMock as an HTTP client", WebPushHttpClientMock,
- post: fn _, _, _ -> {:ok, %{status_code: 200}} end do
- Impl.push_message(@message, @sub, @api_key, %Subscription{})
- assert_called(WebPushHttpClientMock.post("https://example.com/example/1234", :_, :_))
- end
- test_with_mock "uses Pleroma.HTTP as an HTTP client", Pleroma.HTTP,
- post: fn _, _, _ -> {:ok, %{status_code: 200}} end do
- client = Application.get_env(:web_push_encryption, :http_client)
- on_exit(fn -> Application.put_env(:web_push_encryption, :http_client, client) end)
- Application.put_env(:web_push_encryption, :http_client, Pleroma.HTTP)
- Impl.push_message(@message, @sub, @api_key, %Subscription{})
- assert_called(Pleroma.HTTP.post("https://example.com/example/1234", :_, :_))
- end
@tag capture_log: true
test "fail message sending" do
assert Impl.push_message(