--- /dev/null
+defmodule HttpRequestMock do
+ def request(
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ url: url,
+ method: method,
+ headers: headers,
+ query: query,
+ body: body
+ } = _env
+ ) do
+ with {:ok, res} <- apply(__MODULE__, method, [url, query, body, headers]) do
+ res
+ else
+ {_, r} = error ->
+ IO.warn(r)
+ error
+ end
+ end
+ # GET Requests
+ #
+ def get(url, query \\ [], body \\ [], headers \\ [])
+ def get("https://social.heldscal.la/api/statuses/user_timeline/23211.atom", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!(
+ "test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/https___social.heldscal.la_api_statuses_user_timeline_23211.atom.xml"
+ )}}
+ end
+ def get("https://social.heldscal.la/.well-known/webfinger?resource=https://social.heldscal.la/user/23211", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/https___social.heldscal.la_user_23211.xml")}}
+ end
+ def get("http://social.heldscal.la/.well-known/host-meta", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/social.heldscal.la_host_meta")}}
+ end
+ def get("https://social.heldscal.la/.well-known/host-meta", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/httpoison_mock/social.heldscal.la_host_meta")}}
+ end
+ def get("https://mastodon.social/users/lambadalambda.atom", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/lambadalambda.atom")}}
+ end
+ def get("https://social.heldscal.la/user/23211", _, _, [Accept: "application/activity+json"]) do
+ {:ok,
+ Tesla.Mock.json(%{"id" => "https://social.heldscal.la/user/23211"}, status: 200)
+ }
+ end
+ def get(url, query, body, headers) do
+ {:error,
+ "Not implemented the mock response for get #{inspect(url)}, #{query}, #{inspect(body)}, #{
+ inspect(headers)
+ }"}
+ end
+ # POST Requests
+ #
+ def post(url, query \\ [], body \\ [], headers \\ [])
+ def post("http://example.org/needs_refresh", _, _, _) do
+ {:ok,
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: ""
+ }}
+ end
+ def post(url, _query, _body, _headers) do
+ {:error, "Not implemented the mock response for post #{inspect(url)}"}
+ end
alias Pleroma.Web.Salmon
alias Pleroma.{Repo, Activity, User}
import Pleroma.Factory
+ import Tesla.Mock
@magickey "RSA.pu0s-halox4tu7wmES1FVSx6u-4wc0YrUFXcqWXZG4-27UmbCOpMQftRCldNRfyA-qLbz-eqiwQhh-1EwUvjsD4cYbAHNGHwTvDOyx5AKthQUP44ykPv7kjKGh3DWKySJvcs9tlUG87hlo7AvnMo9pwRS_Zz2CacQ-MKaXyDepk=.AQAB"
@magickey_friendica "RSA.AMwa8FUs2fWEjX0xN7yRQgegQffhBpuKNC6fa5VNSVorFjGZhRrlPMn7TQOeihlc9lBz2OsHlIedbYn2uJ7yCs0.AQAB"
+ setup do
+ mock(fn env -> apply(HttpRequestMock, :request, [env]) end)
+ :ok
+ end
test "decodes a salmon" do
{:ok, salmon} = File.read("test/fixtures/salmon.xml")
{:ok, doc} = Salmon.decode_and_validate(@magickey, salmon)