|> preload([b, a], activity: a)
+ def get(user_id, activity_id) do
+ Bookmark
+ |> where(user_id: ^user_id)
+ |> where(activity_id: ^activity_id)
+ |> Repo.one()
+ end
@spec destroy(FlakeId.t(), FlakeId.t()) :: {:ok, Bookmark.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
def destroy(user_id, activity_id) do
from(b in Bookmark,
defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI do
alias Pleroma.Activity
+ alias Pleroma.Bookmark
alias Pleroma.Formatter
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.ThreadMute
+ def bookmarked?(user, activity) do
+ with %Bookmark{} <- Bookmark.get(user.id, activity.id) do
+ true
+ else
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end
def report(user, data) do
with {:account_id, %{"account_id" => account_id}} <- {:account_id, data},
{:account, %User{} = account} <- {:account, User.get_cached_by_id(account_id)},
activity_object = Object.normalize(activity)
favorited = opts[:for] && opts[:for].ap_id in (activity_object.data["likes"] || [])
- bookmarked =
- opts[:for] && Ecto.assoc_loaded?(opts[:for].bookmarks) &&
- Enum.any?(opts[:for].bookmarks, fn b ->
- b.activity_id == activity.id or b.activity.data["object"]["id"] == object
- end)
+ bookmarked = opts[:for] && CommonAPI.bookmarked?(opts[:for], reblogged_activity)
mentions =
favorited = opts[:for] && opts[:for].ap_id in (object.data["likes"] || [])
- bookmarked =
- opts[:for] && Ecto.assoc_loaded?(opts[:for].bookmarks) &&
- Enum.any?(opts[:for].bookmarks, fn b ->
- b.activity_id == activity.id
- end)
+ bookmarked = opts[:for] && CommonAPI.bookmarked?(opts[:for], activity)
attachment_data = object.data["attachment"] || []
attachments = render_many(attachment_data, StatusView, "attachment.json", as: :attachment)
{:ok, _deleted_bookmark} = Bookmark.destroy(user.id, activity.id)
+ describe "get/2" do
+ test "gets a bookmark" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} =
+ CommonAPI.post(user, %{
+ "status" =>
+ "Scientists Discover The Secret Behind Tenshi Eating A Corndog Being So Cute – Science Daily"
+ })
+ {:ok, bookmark} = Bookmark.create(user.id, activity.id)
+ assert bookmark == Bookmark.get(user.id, activity.id)
+ end
+ end
use Pleroma.DataCase
alias Pleroma.Activity
+ alias Pleroma.Bookmark
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
assert status.muted == true
+ test "tells if the status is bookmarked" do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "Cute girls doing cute things"})
+ status = StatusView.render("status.json", %{activity: activity})
+ assert status.bookmarked == false
+ status = StatusView.render("status.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ assert status.bookmarked == false
+ {:ok, _bookmark} = Bookmark.create(user.id, activity.id)
+ status = StatusView.render("status.json", %{activity: activity, for: user})
+ assert status.bookmarked == true
+ end
test "a reply" do
note = insert(:note_activity)
user = insert(:user)