* `confirm`
* `captcha_solution`: optional, contains provider-specific captcha solution,
* `captcha_token`: optional, contains provider-specific captcha token
- * `token`: invite token required when the registerations aren't public.
+ * `token`: invite token required when the registrations aren't public.
* Response: JSON. Returns a user object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}`
* Example response:
* Method `POST`
* Authentication: required
* Params:
- * `id`: notifications's id
+ * `id`: notification's id
* Response: JSON. Returns `{"status": "success"}` if the reading was successful, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}`
+## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/subscribe`
+### Subscribe to receive notifications for all statuses posted by a user
+* Method `POST`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+ * `id`: account id to subscribe to
+* Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}`
+* Example response:
+ id: "abcdefg",
+ following: true,
+ followed_by: false,
+ blocking: false,
+ muting: false,
+ muting_notifications: false,
+ subscribing: true,
+ requested: false,
+ domain_blocking: false,
+ showing_reblogs: true,
+ endorsed: false
+## `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/unsubscribe`
+### Unsubscribe to stop receiving notifications from user statuses
+* Method `POST`
+* Authentication: required
+* Params:
+ * `id`: account id to unsubscribe from
+* Response: JSON, returns a mastodon relationship object on success, otherwise returns `{"error": "error_msg"}`
+* Example response:
+ id: "abcdefg",
+ following: true,
+ followed_by: false,
+ blocking: false,
+ muting: false,
+ muting_notifications: false,
+ subscribing: false,
+ requested: false,
+ domain_blocking: false,
+ showing_reblogs: true,
+ endorsed: false
def subscribe(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- with %User{} = subscription_target <- User.get_by_id(id) do
- {:ok, subscription_target} = User.subscribe(user, subscription_target)
+ with %User{} = subscription_target <- User.get_by_id(id),
+ {:ok, subscription_target} = User.subscribe(user, subscription_target) do
|> put_view(AccountView)
|> render("relationship.json", %{user: user, target: subscription_target})
+ else
+ {:error, message} ->
+ conn
+ |> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
+ |> send_resp(403, Jason.encode!(%{"error" => message}))
def unsubscribe(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, %{"id" => id}) do
- with %User{} = subscription_target <- User.get_by_id(id) do
- {:ok, subscription_target} = User.unsubscribe(user, subscription_target)
+ with %User{} = subscription_target <- User.get_by_id(id),
+ {:ok, subscription_target} = User.unsubscribe(user, subscription_target) do
|> put_view(AccountView)
|> render("relationship.json", %{user: user, target: subscription_target})
+ else
+ {:error, message} ->
+ conn
+ |> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
+ |> send_resp(403, Jason.encode!(%{"error" => message}))