if pinfo[:fallback] do
pack_file_path = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
- File.write!(pack_file_path, Jason.encode!(full_pack))
+ File.write!(pack_file_path, Jason.encode!(full_pack, pretty: true))
conn |> text("ok")
conn |> put_status(:internal_server_error) |> text("Couldn't delete the pack #{name}")
+ def update_metadata(conn, %{"name" => name, "new_data" => new_data}) do
+ pack_dir = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, name)
+ pack_file_p = Path.join(pack_dir, "pack.json")
+ full_pack = Jason.decode!(File.read!(pack_file_p))
+ new_data =
+ if not is_nil(new_data["fallback-src"]) and is_nil(new_data["fallback-src-sha256"]) do
+ pack_arch = Tesla.get!(new_data["fallback-src"]).body
+ {:ok, flist} = :zip.unzip(pack_arch, [:memory])
+ # Check if all files from the pack.json are in the archive
+ has_all_files =
+ Enum.all?(full_pack["files"], fn {_, from_manifest} ->
+ Enum.find(flist, fn {from_archive, _} ->
+ to_string(from_archive) == from_manifest
+ end)
+ end)
+ unless has_all_files do
+ {:error,
+ conn
+ |> put_status(:bad_request)
+ |> text("The fallback archive does not have all files specified in pack.json")}
+ else
+ fallback_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, pack_arch) |> Base.encode16()
+ {:ok, new_data |> Map.put("fallback-src-sha256", fallback_sha)}
+ end
+ else
+ {:ok, new_data}
+ end
+ case new_data do
+ {:ok, new_data} ->
+ full_pack = Map.put(full_pack, "pack", new_data)
+ File.write!(pack_file_p, Jason.encode!(full_pack, pretty: true))
+ # Send new data back with fallback sha filled
+ conn |> json(new_data)
+ {:error, e} ->
+ e
+ end
+ end
# Modifying packs
pipe_through([:admin_api, :oauth_write])
+ post("/update_metadata/:name", EmojiAPIController, :update_metadata)
delete("/delete/:name", EmojiAPIController, :delete)
post("/download_from", EmojiAPIController, :download_from)