config :pleroma, :ostatus, Pleroma.Web.OStatus
config :pleroma, :httpoison, Pleroma.HTTP
-version =
- with {version, 0} <- System.cmd("git", ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]) do
- "Pleroma #{Mix.Project.config()[:version]} #{String.trim(version)}"
- else
- _ -> "Pleroma #{Mix.Project.config()[:version]} dev"
- end
# Configures http settings, upstream proxy etc.
config :pleroma, :http, proxy_url: nil
config :pleroma, :instance,
- version: version,
name: "Pleroma",
email: "",
description: "A Pleroma instance, an alternative fediverse server",
defmodule Pleroma.Application do
use Application
+ @name "Pleroma"
+ @version Mix.Project.config()[:version]
+ def name, do: @name
+ def version, do: @version
+ def named_version(), do: @name <> " " <> @version
# See
# for more information on OTP Applications
def start(_type, _args) do
uri: Web.base_url(),
title: Keyword.get(instance, :name),
description: Keyword.get(instance, :description),
- version: "#{@mastodon_api_level} (compatible; #{Keyword.get(instance, :version)})",
+ version: "#{@mastodon_api_level} (compatible; #{Pleroma.Application.named_version()})",
email: Keyword.get(instance, :email),
urls: %{
streaming_api: String.replace(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.static_url(), "http", "ws")
def project do
app: :pleroma,
- version: "0.9.0",
+ version: version("0.9.0"),
elixir: "~> 1.4",
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
compilers: [:phoenix, :gettext] ++ Mix.compilers(),
test: ["ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate", "test"]
+ # Builds a version string made of:
+ # * the application version
+ # * a pre-release if ahead of the tag: the describe string (-count-commithash)
+ # * build info:
+ # * a build name if `PLEROMA_BUILD_NAME` or `:pleroma, :build_name` is defined
+ # * the mix environment if different than prod
+ defp version(version) do
+ {git_tag, git_pre_release} =
+ with {tag, 0} <- System.cmd("git", ["describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0"]),
+ tag = String.trim(tag),
+ {describe, 0} <- System.cmd("git", ["describe", "--tags"]),
+ describe = String.trim(describe),
+ ahead <- String.replace(describe, tag, "") do
+ {String.replace_prefix(tag, "v", ""), if(ahead != "", do: String.trim(ahead))}
+ else
+ _ -> {nil, nil}
+ end
+ if git_tag && version != git_tag do
+ "Application version #{inspect(version)} does not match git tag #{inspect(git_tag)}"
+ )
+ end
+ build_name =
+ cond do
+ name = Application.get_env(:pleroma, :build_name) -> name
+ name = System.get_env("PLEROMA_BUILD_NAME") -> name
+ true -> nil
+ end
+ env_name = if Mix.env() != :prod, do: to_string(Mix.env())
+ build =
+ [build_name, env_name]
+ |> Enum.filter(fn string -> string && string != "" end)
+ |> Enum.join("-")
+ |> (fn
+ "" -> nil
+ string -> "+" <> string
+ end).()
+ [version, git_pre_release, build]
+ |> Enum.filter(fn string -> string && string != "" end)
+ |> Enum.join()
+ end