+ @doc """
+ Lists packs from the remote instance.
+ Since JS cannot ask remote instances for their packs due to CPS, it has to
+ be done by the server
+ """
+ def list_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address}) do
+ address = String.trim(address)
+ if shareable_packs_available(address) do
+ list_resp =
+ "#{address}/api/pleroma/emoji/packs" |> Tesla.get!() |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!()
+ json(conn, list_resp)
+ else
+ conn
+ |> put_status(:internal_server_error)
+ |> json(%{error: "The requested instance does not support sharing emoji packs"})
+ end
+ end
@doc """
Lists the packs available on the instance as JSON.
+ defp shareable_packs_available(address) do
+ "#{address}/.well-known/nodeinfo"
+ |> Tesla.get!()
+ |> Map.get(:body)
+ |> Jason.decode!()
+ |> List.last()
+ |> Map.get("href")
+ # Get the actual nodeinfo address and fetch it
+ |> Tesla.get!()
+ |> Map.get(:body)
+ |> Jason.decode!()
+ |> get_in(["metadata", "features"])
+ |> Enum.member?("shareable_emoji_packs")
+ end
@doc """
An admin endpoint to request downloading a pack named `pack_name` from the instance
from that instance, otherwise it will be downloaded from the fallback source, if there is one.
def download_from(conn, %{"instance_address" => address, "pack_name" => name} = data) do
- shareable_packs_available =
- "#{address}/.well-known/nodeinfo"
- |> Tesla.get!()
- |> Map.get(:body)
- |> Jason.decode!()
- |> List.last()
- |> Map.get("href")
- # Get the actual nodeinfo address and fetch it
- |> Tesla.get!()
- |> Map.get(:body)
- |> Jason.decode!()
- |> get_in(["metadata", "features"])
- |> Enum.member?("shareable_emoji_packs")
- if shareable_packs_available do
+ address = String.trim(address)
+ if shareable_packs_available(address) do
full_pack =
|> Tesla.get!()
put("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :create)
delete("/:name", EmojiAPIController, :delete)
post("/download_from", EmojiAPIController, :download_from)
+ post("/list_from", EmojiAPIController, :list_from)
scope "/packs" do
refute pack["pack"]["can-download"]
+ test "listing remote packs" do
+ admin = insert(:user, info: %{is_admin: true})
+ conn = build_conn() |> assign(:user, admin)
+ resp = conn |> get(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_packs)) |> json_response(200)
+ mock(fn
+ %{method: :get, url: "https://example.com/.well-known/nodeinfo"} ->
+ json([%{href: "https://example.com/nodeinfo/2.1.json"}])
+ %{method: :get, url: "https://example.com/nodeinfo/2.1.json"} ->
+ json(%{metadata: %{features: ["shareable_emoji_packs"]}})
+ %{method: :get, url: "https://example.com/api/pleroma/emoji/packs"} ->
+ json(resp)
+ end)
+ assert conn
+ |> post(emoji_api_path(conn, :list_from), %{instance_address: "https://example.com"})
+ |> json_response(200) == resp
+ end
test "downloading a shared pack from download_shared" do
conn = build_conn()