a map of "pack directory name" to pack.json contents.
def list_packs(conn, _params) do
- pack_infos =
- case File.ls(@emoji_dir_path) do
- {:error, _} ->
- %{}
- {:ok, results} ->
- results
- |> Enum.filter(fn file ->
- dir_path = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, file)
- # Filter to only use the pack.json packs
- File.dir?(dir_path) and File.exists?(Path.join(dir_path, "pack.json"))
- end)
- |> Enum.map(fn pack_name ->
- pack_path = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, pack_name)
- pack_file = Path.join(pack_path, "pack.json")
- {pack_name, Jason.decode!(File.read!(pack_file))}
- end)
- # Transform into a map of pack-name => pack-data
- # Check if all the files are in place and can be sent
- |> Enum.map(fn {name, pack} ->
- pack_path = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, name)
- if can_download?(pack, pack_path) do
- archive_for_sha = make_archive(name, pack, pack_path)
- archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive_for_sha) |> Base.encode16()
- {name,
- pack
- |> put_in(["pack", "can-download"], true)
- |> put_in(["pack", "download-sha256"], archive_sha)}
- else
- {name,
- pack
- |> put_in(["pack", "can-download"], false)}
- end
- end)
- |> Enum.into(%{})
- end
+ with {:ok, results} <- File.ls(@emoji_dir_path) do
+ pack_infos =
+ results
+ |> Enum.filter(&has_pack_json?/1)
+ |> Enum.map(&load_pack/1)
+ # Check if all the files are in place and can be sent
+ |> Enum.map(&validate_pack/1)
+ # Transform into a map of pack-name => pack-data
+ |> Enum.into(%{})
+ json(conn, pack_infos)
+ end
+ end
+ defp has_pack_json?(file) do
+ dir_path = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, file)
+ # Filter to only use the pack.json packs
+ File.dir?(dir_path) and File.exists?(Path.join(dir_path, "pack.json"))
+ end
- conn |> json(pack_infos)
+ defp load_pack(pack_name) do
+ pack_path = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, pack_name)
+ pack_file = Path.join(pack_path, "pack.json")
+ {pack_name, Jason.decode!(File.read!(pack_file))}
+ end
+ defp validate_pack({name, pack}) do
+ pack_path = Path.join(@emoji_dir_path, name)
+ if can_download?(pack, pack_path) do
+ archive_for_sha = make_archive(name, pack, pack_path)
+ archive_sha = :crypto.hash(:sha256, archive_for_sha) |> Base.encode16()
+ pack =
+ pack
+ |> put_in(["pack", "can-download"], true)
+ |> put_in(["pack", "download-sha256"], archive_sha)
+ {name, pack}
+ else
+ {name, put_in(pack, ["pack", "can-download"], false)}
+ end
defp can_download?(pack, pack_path) do
|> Map.get(:body)
|> Jason.decode!()
|> Map.get(name)
pfiles = full_pack["files"]
pack_info_res =