+# Originally taken from
+# https://github.com/VeryBigThings/elixir_common/blob/master/lib/vbt/credo/check/consistency/file_location.ex
defmodule Credo.Check.Consistency.FileLocation do
@moduledoc false
@explanation [warning: @checkdoc]
- # `use Credo.Check` required that module attributes are already defined, so we need to place these attributes
+ @special_namespaces [
+ "controllers",
+ "views",
+ "operations",
+ "channels"
+ ]
+ # `use Credo.Check` required that module attributes are already defined, so we need
+ # to place these attributes
# before use/alias expressions.
# credo:disable-for-next-line VBT.Credo.Check.Consistency.ModuleLayout
use Credo.Check, category: :warning, base_priority: :high
expected_file_base(parsed_path.root, main_module) <>
- if expected_file == parsed_path.allowed,
- do: :ok,
- else: {:error, main_module, expected_file}
+ cond do
+ expected_file == parsed_path.allowed ->
+ :ok
+ special_namespaces?(parsed_path.allowed) ->
+ original_path = parsed_path.allowed
+ namespace =
+ Enum.find(@special_namespaces, original_path, fn namespace ->
+ String.contains?(original_path, namespace)
+ end)
+ allowed = String.replace(original_path, "/" <> namespace, "")
+ if expected_file == allowed,
+ do: :ok,
+ else: {:error, main_module, expected_file}
+ true ->
+ {:error, main_module, expected_file}
+ end
+ defp special_namespaces?(path), do: String.contains?(path, @special_namespaces)
defp parsed_path(relative_path, params) do
parts = Path.split(relative_path)