--- /dev/null
+ "skip_files": [
+ "test/support",
+ "lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/benchmark.ex"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
mix pleroma.emoji gen-pack PACK-URL
-Currently, only .zip archives are recognized as remote pack files and packs are therefore assumed to be zip archives. This command is intended to run interactively and will first ask you some basic questions about the pack, then download the remote file and generate an SHA256 checksum for it, then generate an emoji file list for you.
+Currently, only .zip archives are recognized as remote pack files and packs are therefore assumed to be zip archives. This command is intended to run interactively and will first ask you some basic questions about the pack, then download the remote file and generate an SHA256 checksum for it, then generate an emoji file list for you.
- The manifest entry will either be written to a newly created `index.json` file or appended to the existing one, *replacing* the old pack with the same name if it was in the file previously.
+ The manifest entry will either be written to a newly created `pack_name.json` file (pack name is asked in questions) or appended to the existing one, *replacing* the old pack with the same name if it was in the file previously.
The file list will be written to the file specified previously, *replacing* that file. You _should_ check that the file list doesn't contain anything you don't need in the pack, that is, anything that is not an emoji (the whole pack is downloaded, but only emoji files are extracted).
{options, [], []} = parse_global_opts(args)
- manifest =
- fetch_manifest(if options[:manifest], do: options[:manifest], else: default_manifest())
+ url_or_path = options[:manifest] || default_manifest()
+ manifest = fetch_manifest(url_or_path)
Enum.each(manifest, fn {name, info} ->
to_print = [
{options, pack_names, []} = parse_global_opts(args)
- manifest_url = if options[:manifest], do: options[:manifest], else: default_manifest()
+ url_or_path = options[:manifest] || default_manifest()
- manifest = fetch_manifest(manifest_url)
+ manifest = fetch_manifest(url_or_path)
for pack_name <- pack_names do
if Map.has_key?(manifest, pack_name) do
# The url specified in files should be in the same directory
- files_url = Path.join(Path.dirname(manifest_url), pack["files"])
+ files_url =
+ url_or_path
+ |> Path.dirname()
+ |> Path.join(pack["files"])
- def run(["gen-pack", src]) do
+ def run(["gen-pack" | args]) do
- proposed_name = Path.basename(src) |> Path.rootname()
- name = String.trim(IO.gets("Pack name [#{proposed_name}]: "))
- # If there's no name, use the default one
- name = if String.length(name) > 0, do: name, else: proposed_name
+ {opts, [src], []} =
+ OptionParser.parse(
+ args,
+ strict: [
+ name: :string,
+ license: :string,
+ homepage: :string,
+ description: :string,
+ files: :string,
+ extensions: :string
+ ]
+ )
- license = String.trim(IO.gets("License: "))
- homepage = String.trim(IO.gets("Homepage: "))
- description = String.trim(IO.gets("Description: "))
+ proposed_name = Path.basename(src) |> Path.rootname()
+ name = get_option(opts, :name, "Pack name:", proposed_name)
+ license = get_option(opts, :license, "License:")
+ homepage = get_option(opts, :homepage, "Homepage:")
+ description = get_option(opts, :description, "Description:")
- proposed_files_name = "#{name}.json"
- files_name = String.trim(IO.gets("Save file list to [#{proposed_files_name}]: "))
- files_name = if String.length(files_name) > 0, do: files_name, else: proposed_files_name
+ proposed_files_name = "#{name}_files.json"
+ files_name = get_option(opts, :files, "Save file list to:", proposed_files_name)
default_exts = [".png", ".gif"]
- default_exts_str = Enum.join(default_exts, " ")
- exts =
- String.trim(
- IO.gets("Emoji file extensions (separated with spaces) [#{default_exts_str}]: ")
+ custom_exts =
+ get_option(
+ opts,
+ :extensions,
+ "Emoji file extensions (separated with spaces):",
+ Enum.join(default_exts, " ")
+ |> String.split(" ", trim: true)
exts =
- if String.length(exts) > 0 do
- String.split(exts, " ")
- |> Enum.filter(fn e -> e |> String.trim() |> String.length() > 0 end)
- else
+ if MapSet.equal?(MapSet.new(default_exts), MapSet.new(custom_exts)) do
+ else
+ custom_exts
+ IO.puts("Using #{Enum.join(exts, " ")} extensions")
IO.puts("Downloading the pack and generating SHA256")
binary_archive = Tesla.get!(client(), src).body
#{files_name} has been created and contains the list of all found emojis in the pack.
- Please review the files in the remove those not needed.
+ Please review the files in the pack and remove those not needed.
- if File.exists?("index.json") do
- existing_data = File.read!("index.json") |> Jason.decode!()
+ pack_file = "#{name}.json"
+ if File.exists?(pack_file) do
+ existing_data = File.read!(pack_file) |> Jason.decode!()
- "index.json",
+ pack_file,
- IO.puts("index.json file has been update with the #{name} pack")
+ IO.puts("#{pack_file} has been updated with the #{name} pack")
- File.write!("index.json", Jason.encode!(pack_json, pretty: true))
+ File.write!(pack_file, Jason.encode!(pack_json, pretty: true))
- IO.puts("index.json has been created with the #{name} pack")
+ IO.puts("#{pack_file} has been created with the #{name} pack")
--- /dev/null
+ "finmoji": {
+ "license": "CC BY-NC-ND 4.0",
+ "homepage": "https://finland.fi/emoji/",
+ "description": "Finland is the first country in the world to publish its own set of country themed emojis. The Finland emoji collection contains 56 tongue-in-cheek emotions, which were created to explain some hard-to-describe Finnish emotions, Finnish words and customs.",
+ "src": "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip",
+ "src_sha256": "384025A1AC6314473863A11AC7AB38A12C01B851A3F82359B89B4D4211D3291D",
+ "files": "finmoji.json"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "blank": "blank.png"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "blobs.gg": {
+ "src_sha256": "3a12f3a181678d5b3584a62095411b0d60a335118135910d879920f8ade5a57f",
+ "src": "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/packs/blobs_gg.zip",
+ "license": "Apache 2.0",
+ "homepage": "https://blobs.gg",
+ "files": "blobs_gg.json",
+ "description": "Blob Emoji from blobs.gg repacked as apng"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.EmojiTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ import ExUnit.CaptureIO
+ import Tesla.Mock
+ alias Mix.Tasks.Pleroma.Emoji
+ describe "ls-packs" do
+ test "with default manifest as url" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/index.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/default-manifest.json")
+ }
+ end)
+ capture_io(fn -> Emoji.run(["ls-packs"]) end) =~
+ "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip"
+ end
+ test "with passed manifest as file" do
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run(["ls-packs", "-m", "test/fixtures/emoji/packs/manifest.json"])
+ end) =~ "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/packs/blobs_gg.zip"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "get-packs" do
+ test "download pack from default manifest" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/index.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/default-manifest.json")
+ }
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/blank.png.zip")
+ }
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/finmoji.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/finmoji.json")
+ }
+ end)
+ assert capture_io(fn -> Emoji.run(["get-packs", "finmoji"]) end) =~ "Writing pack.json for"
+ emoji_path =
+ Path.join(
+ Pleroma.Config.get!([:instance, :static_dir]),
+ "emoji"
+ )
+ assert File.exists?(Path.join([emoji_path, "finmoji", "pack.json"]))
+ on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test/instance_static/emoji/finmoji") end)
+ end
+ test "pack not found" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/index.json"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/default-manifest.json")
+ }
+ end)
+ assert capture_io(fn -> Emoji.run(["get-packs", "not_found"]) end) =~
+ "No pack named \"not_found\" found"
+ end
+ test "raise on bad sha256" do
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: "https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/emoji-index/raw/master/packs/blobs_gg.zip"
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/blank.png.zip")
+ }
+ end)
+ assert_raise RuntimeError, ~r/^Bad SHA256 for blobs.gg/, fn ->
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run(["get-packs", "blobs.gg", "-m", "test/fixtures/emoji/packs/manifest.json"])
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "gen-pack" do
+ setup do
+ url = "https://finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/finland-emojis.zip"
+ mock(fn %{
+ method: :get,
+ url: ^url
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: File.read!("test/fixtures/emoji/packs/blank.png.zip")}
+ end)
+ {:ok, url: url}
+ end
+ test "with default extensions", %{url: url} do
+ name = "pack1"
+ pack_json = "#{name}.json"
+ files_json = "#{name}_file.json"
+ refute File.exists?(pack_json)
+ refute File.exists?(files_json)
+ captured =
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run([
+ "gen-pack",
+ url,
+ "--name",
+ name,
+ "--license",
+ "license",
+ "--homepage",
+ "homepage",
+ "--description",
+ "description",
+ "--files",
+ files_json,
+ "--extensions",
+ ".png .gif"
+ ])
+ end)
+ assert captured =~ "#{pack_json} has been created with the pack1 pack"
+ assert captured =~ "Using .png .gif extensions"
+ assert File.exists?(pack_json)
+ assert File.exists?(files_json)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ File.rm_rf!(pack_json)
+ File.rm_rf!(files_json)
+ end)
+ end
+ test "with custom extensions and update existing files", %{url: url} do
+ name = "pack2"
+ pack_json = "#{name}.json"
+ files_json = "#{name}_file.json"
+ refute File.exists?(pack_json)
+ refute File.exists?(files_json)
+ captured =
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run([
+ "gen-pack",
+ url,
+ "--name",
+ name,
+ "--license",
+ "license",
+ "--homepage",
+ "homepage",
+ "--description",
+ "description",
+ "--files",
+ files_json,
+ "--extensions",
+ " .png .gif .jpeg "
+ ])
+ end)
+ assert captured =~ "#{pack_json} has been created with the pack2 pack"
+ assert captured =~ "Using .png .gif .jpeg extensions"
+ assert File.exists?(pack_json)
+ assert File.exists?(files_json)
+ captured =
+ capture_io(fn ->
+ Emoji.run([
+ "gen-pack",
+ url,
+ "--name",
+ name,
+ "--license",
+ "license",
+ "--homepage",
+ "homepage",
+ "--description",
+ "description",
+ "--files",
+ files_json,
+ "--extensions",
+ " .png .gif .jpeg "
+ ])
+ end)
+ assert captured =~ "#{pack_json} has been updated with the pack2 pack"
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ File.rm_rf!(pack_json)
+ File.rm_rf!(files_json)
+ end)
+ end
+ end