# Prevent committing custom emojis
# Editor config
public: true,
quarantined_instances: [],
managed_config: true,
+ static_dir: "instance/static/",
allowed_post_formats: [
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.InstanceStatic do
+ @moduledoc """
+ This is a shim to call `Plug.Static` but with runtime `from` configuration.
+ Mountpoints are defined directly in the module to avoid calling the configuration for every request including non-static ones.
+ """
+ @behaviour Plug
+ def file_path(path) do
+ instance_path =
+ Path.join(Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir], "instance/static/"), path)
+ if File.exists?(instance_path) do
+ instance_path
+ else
+ Path.join(Application.app_dir(:pleroma, "priv/static/"), path)
+ end
+ end
+ @only ~w(index.html static emoji packs sounds images instance favicon.png)
+ def init(opts) do
+ opts
+ |> Keyword.put(:from, "__unconfigured_instance_static_plug")
+ |> Keyword.put(:at, "/__unconfigured_instance_static_plug")
+ |> Plug.Static.init()
+ end
+ for only <- @only do
+ at = Plug.Router.Utils.split("/")
+ def call(conn = %{request_path: "/" <> unquote(only) <> _}, opts) do
+ call_static(
+ conn,
+ opts,
+ unquote(at),
+ Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir], "instance/static")
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def call(conn, _) do
+ conn
+ end
+ defp call_static(conn, opts, at, from) do
+ opts =
+ opts
+ |> Map.put(:from, from)
+ |> Map.put(:at, at)
+ Plug.Static.call(conn, opts)
+ end
+ # InstanceStatic needs to be before Plug.Static to be able to override shipped-static files
+ # If you're adding new paths to `only:` you'll need to configure them in InstanceStatic as well
+ plug(Pleroma.Plugs.InstanceStatic, at: "/")
at: "/",
"html" ->
|> put_resp_content_type("text/html")
- |> send_file(200, Application.app_dir(:pleroma, "priv/static/index.html"))
+ |> send_file(200, Pleroma.Plugs.InstanceStatic.file_path("index.html"))
_ ->
represent_activity(conn, format, activity, user)
def redirector(conn, _params) do
|> put_resp_content_type("text/html")
- |> send_file(200, Application.app_dir(:pleroma, "priv/static/index.html"))
+ |> send_file(200, Pleroma.Plugs.InstanceStatic.file_path("index.html"))
def registration_page(conn, params) do
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.RuntimeStaticPlugTest do
+ use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
+ @dir "test/tmp/instance_static"
+ setup do
+ static_dir = Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :static_dir])
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], @dir)
+ File.mkdir_p!(@dir)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:instance, :static_dir], static_dir)
+ File.rm_rf(@dir)
+ end)
+ end
+ test "overrides index" do
+ bundled_index = get(build_conn(), "/")
+ assert html_response(bundled_index, 200) == File.read!("priv/static/index.html")
+ File.write!(@dir <> "/index.html", "hello world")
+ index = get(build_conn(), "/")
+ assert html_response(index, 200) == "hello world"
+ end
+ test "overrides any file in static/static" do
+ bundled_index = get(build_conn(), "/static/terms-of-service.html")
+ assert html_response(bundled_index, 200) ==
+ File.read!("priv/static/static/terms-of-service.html")
+ File.mkdir!(@dir <> "/static")
+ File.write!(@dir <> "/static/terms-of-service.html", "plz be kind")
+ index = get(build_conn(), "/static/terms-of-service.html")
+ assert html_response(index, 200) == "plz be kind"
+ File.write!(@dir <> "/static/kaniini.html", "<h1>rabbit hugs as a service</h1>")
+ index = get(build_conn(), "/static/kaniini.html")
+ assert html_response(index, 200) == "<h1>rabbit hugs as a service</h1>"
+ end