+ def sanitise_domain(domain) do
+ domain
+ |> String.replace(~r/[!-\,|@|?|<|>|[-`|{-~|\/|:|\s]+/, "")
+ end
defp format_query(query_string) do
# Strip the beginning @ off if there is a query
query_string = String.trim_leading(query_string, "@")
with [name, domain] <- String.split(query_string, "@") do
encoded_domain =
- |> String.replace(~r/[!-\-|@|[-`|{-~|\/|:|\s]+/, "")
+ |> sanitise_domain()
|> String.to_charlist()
|> :idna.encode()
|> to_string()
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.User.SearchTest do
+ use Pleroma.DataCase
+ describe "sanitise_domain/1" do
+ test "should remove url-reserved characters" do
+ examples = [
+ ["example.com", "example.com"],
+ ["no spaces", "nospaces"],
+ ["no@at", "noat"],
+ ["dash-is-ok", "dash-is-ok"],
+ ["underscore_not_so_much", "underscorenotsomuch"],
+ ["no!", "no"],
+ ["no?", "no"],
+ ["a$b%s^o*l(u)t'e#l<y n>o/t", "absolutelynot"]
+ ]
+ for [input, expected] <- examples do
+ assert Pleroma.User.Search.sanitise_domain(input) == expected
+ end
+ end
+ end
user = insert(:user)
other_user = insert(:user)
- {:ok, normally_visible} = CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "hello :)", visibility: "public"})
+ {:ok, normally_visible} =
+ CommonAPI.post(other_user, %{status: "hello :)", visibility: "public"})
{:ok, public} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "maji #tenshi", visibility: "public"})
{:ok, _unrelated} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "dai #tensh", visibility: "public"})
{:ok, unlisted} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "maji #tenshi", visibility: "unlisted"})
{:ok, _private} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{status: "maji #tenshi", visibility: "private"})
- activities = ActivityPub.fetch_activities([other_user.follower_address], %{followed_hashtags: [hashtag.id]})
+ activities =
+ ActivityPub.fetch_activities([other_user.follower_address], %{
+ followed_hashtags: [hashtag.id]
+ })
assert length(activities) == 3
normal_id = normally_visible.id
public_id = public.id