max_connections: 250,
max_idle_time: 30_000,
retry: 0,
- await_up_timeout: 5_000
+ connect_timeout: 5_000
config :pleroma, :pools,
federation: [
size: 50,
max_waiting: 10,
- timeout: 10_000
+ recv_timeout: 10_000
media: [
size: 50,
max_waiting: 10,
- timeout: 10_000
+ recv_timeout: 10_000
upload: [
size: 25,
max_waiting: 5,
- timeout: 15_000
+ recv_timeout: 15_000
default: [
size: 10,
max_waiting: 2,
- timeout: 5_000
+ recv_timeout: 5_000
config :pleroma, :hackney_pools,
suggestions: [250]
- key: :await_up_timeout,
+ key: :connect_timeout,
type: :integer,
description: "Timeout while `gun` will wait until connection is up. Default: 5000ms.",
suggestions: [5000]
"Maximum number of requests waiting for other requests to finish. After this number is reached, the pool will start returning errrors when a new request is made",
suggestions: [10]
+ },
+ %{
+ key: :recv_timeout,
+ type: :integer,
+ description: "Timeout for the pool while gun will wait for response",
+ suggestions: [10_000]
* `:connection_acquisition_wait` - Timeout to acquire a connection from pool.The total max time is this value multiplied by the number of retries.
* `connection_acquisition_retries` - Number of attempts to acquire the connection from the pool if it is overloaded. Each attempt is timed `:connection_acquisition_wait` apart.
* `:max_connections` - Maximum number of connections in the pool.
-* `:await_up_timeout` - Timeout to connect to the host.
+* `:connect_timeout` - Timeout to connect to the host.
* `:reclaim_multiplier` - Multiplied by `:max_connections` this will be the maximum number of idle connections that will be reclaimed in case the pool is overloaded.
### :pools
For each pool, the options are:
* `:size` - limit to how much requests can be concurrently executed.
-* `:timeout` - timeout while `gun` will wait for response
+* `:recv_timeout` - timeout while `gun` will wait for response
* `:max_waiting` - limit to how much requests can be waiting for others to finish, after this is reached, subsequent requests will be dropped.
## Captcha
url = String.replace(frontend_info["build_url"], "${ref}", frontend_info["ref"])
with {:ok, %{status: 200, body: zip_body}} <-
- Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, [],
- adapter: [pool: :media, timeout: 120_000, recv_timeout: 120_000]
- ) do
+ Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, [], adapter: [pool: :media, recv_timeout: 120_000]) do
unzip(zip_body, dest)
e -> {:error, e}
opts =
|> Enum.into(%{})
- |> Map.put_new(:await_up_timeout, pool_opts[:await_up_timeout] || 5_000)
+ |> Map.put_new(:connect_timeout, pool_opts[:connect_timeout] || 5_000)
|> Map.put_new(:supervise, false)
|> maybe_add_tls_opts(uri)
with open_opts <- Map.delete(opts, :tls_opts),
{:ok, conn} <-, proxy_port, open_opts),
- {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(conn, opts[:await_up_timeout]),
+ {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(conn, opts[:connect_timeout]),
stream <- Gun.connect(conn, connect_opts),
{:response, :fin, 200, _} <- Gun.await(conn, stream) do
{:ok, conn}
|> Map.put(:socks_opts, socks_opts)
with {:ok, conn} <-, proxy_port, opts),
- {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(conn, opts[:await_up_timeout]) do
+ {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(conn, opts[:connect_timeout]) do
{:ok, conn}
error ->
host = Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.parse_host(host)
with {:ok, conn} <-, port, opts),
- {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(conn, opts[:await_up_timeout]) do
+ {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(conn, opts[:connect_timeout]) do
{:ok, conn}
error ->
@moduledoc """
Configure Tesla.Client with default and customized adapter options.
- @defaults [pool: :federation]
+ @defaults [pool: :federation, connect_timeout: 5_000, recv_timeout: 5_000]
@type proxy_type() :: :socks4 | :socks5
@type host() :: charlist() | :inet.ip_address()
require Logger
@defaults [
- connect_timeout: 5_000,
- domain_lookup_timeout: 5_000,
- tls_handshake_timeout: 5_000,
retry: 1,
- retry_timeout: 1000,
- await_up_timeout: 5_000
+ retry_timeout: 1_000
@type pool() :: :federation | :upload | :media | :default
defp put_timeout(opts) do
+ {recv_timeout, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :recv_timeout, pool_timeout(opts[:pool]))
# this is the timeout to receive a message from Gun
- Keyword.put_new(opts, :timeout, pool_timeout(opts[:pool]))
+ # `:timeout` key is used in Tesla
+ Keyword.put(opts, :timeout, recv_timeout)
@spec pool_timeout(pool()) :: non_neg_integer()
def pool_timeout(pool) do
- default = Config.get([:pools, :default, :timeout], 5_000)
+ default = Config.get([:pools, :default, :recv_timeout], 5_000)
- Config.get([:pools, pool, :timeout], default)
+ Config.get([:pools, pool, :recv_timeout], default)
@prefix Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool
@behaviour Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper
@defaults [
- connect_timeout: 10_000,
- recv_timeout: 20_000,
follow_redirect: true,
- force_redirect: true,
- pool: :federation
+ force_redirect: true
@spec options(keyword(), URI.t()) :: keyword()
|> Keyword.merge(config_opts)
|> Keyword.merge(connection_opts)
|> add_scheme_opts(uri)
+ |> maybe_add_with_body()
|> Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.maybe_add_proxy(proxy)
defp add_scheme_opts(opts, _), do: opts
+ defp maybe_add_with_body(opts) do
+ if opts[:max_body] do
+ Keyword.put(opts, :with_body, true)
+ else
+ opts
+ end
+ end
require Logger
@options [
- pool: :media
+ pool: :media,
+ recv_timeout: 10_000
def perform(:prefetch, url) do
Logger.debug("Prefetching #{inspect(url)}")
- opts =
- if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Hackney do
- Keyword.put(@options, :recv_timeout, 10_000)
- else
- @options
- end
|> MediaProxy.url()
- |> HTTP.get([], adapter: opts)
+ |> HTTP.get([], adapter: @options)
def perform(:preload, %{"object" => %{"attachment" => attachments}} = _message) do
defmodule Pleroma.Web.RelMe do
@options [
pool: :media,
- max_body: 2_000_000
+ max_body: 2_000_000,
+ recv_timeout: 2_000
if Pleroma.Config.get(:env) == :test do
def parse(_), do: {:error, "No URL provided"}
defp parse_url(url) do
- opts =
- if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Hackney do
- Keyword.merge(@options,
- recv_timeout: 2_000,
- with_body: true
- )
- else
- @options
- end
with {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: html, status: status}} when status in 200..299 <-
- Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, [], adapter: opts),
+ Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, [], adapter: @options),
{:ok, html_tree} <- Floki.parse_document(html),
data <-
Floki.attribute(html_tree, "link[rel~=me]", "href") ++
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser
- @rich_media_options [
+ @options [
pool: :media,
- max_body: 2_000_000
+ max_body: 2_000_000,
+ recv_timeout: 2_000
@spec validate_page_url(URI.t() | binary()) :: :ok | :error
defp validate_page_url(page_url) when is_binary(page_url) do
- validate_tld = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Formatter, :validate_tld])
+ validate_tld = Config.get([Pleroma.Formatter, :validate_tld])
|> Linkify.Parser.url?(validate_tld: validate_tld)
def rich_media_get(url) do
headers = [{"user-agent", Pleroma.Application.user_agent() <> "; Bot"}]
- options =
- if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Hackney do
- Keyword.merge(@rich_media_options,
- recv_timeout: 2_000,
- with_body: true
- )
- else
- @rich_media_options
- end
- Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, headers, adapter: options)
+ Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, headers, adapter: @options)