defmodule Pleroma.Clippy do
@moduledoc false
# No software is complete until they have a Clippy implementation.
# A ballmer peak _may_ be required to change this module.
require FastSanitize.Sanitizer.Meta
alias FastSanitize.Sanitizer.Meta
# credo:disable-for-previous-line
# No idea how to fix this oneā¦
def handle_incoming(%{"id" => nil}, _options), do: :error
def handle_incoming(%{"id" => ""}, _options), do: :error
# length of https:// = 8, should validate better, but good enough for now.
- def handle_incoming(%{"id" => id}, _options) when not (is_binary(id) and length(id) > 8),
+ def handle_incoming(%{"id" => id}, _options) when is_binary(id) and byte_size(id) < 8,
do: :error
# TODO: validate those with a Ecto scheme