Authentication is required and the user must be an admin.
Configuration options:
* `[:auth, :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage]` — OAuth admin scope requirement toggle.
If `true`, admin actions explicitly demand admin OAuth scope(s) presence in OAuth token (client app must support admin scopes).
If `false` and token doesn't have admin scope(s), `is_admin` user flag grants access to admin-specific actions.
config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Hackney
-List of settings which have list in value:
+List of settings which support only full update:
@full_key_update [
{:pleroma, :ecto_repos},
+ {:pleroma, :assets},
{:quack, :meta},
{:mime, :types},
{:cors_plug, [:max_age, :methods, :expose, :headers]},
{:auto_linker, :opts},
- {:swarm, :node_blacklist}
+ {:swarm, :node_blacklist},
+ {:logger, :backends}