- `--locked`/`--no-locked` - whether the user's account is locked
- `--moderator`/`--no-moderator` - whether the user is a moderator
- `--admin`/`--no-admin` - whether the user is an admin
+ ## Add tags to a user.
+ mix pleroma.user tag NICKNAME TAGS
+ ## Delete tags from a user.
+ mix pleroma.user untag NICKNAME TAGS
def run(["new", nickname, email | rest]) do
{options, [], []} =
+ def run(["tag", nickname | tags]) do
+ Common.start_pleroma()
+ with %User{} = user <- User.get_by_nickname(nickname) do
+ user = user |> User.tag(tags)
+ Mix.shell().info("Tags of #{user.nickname}: #{inspect(tags)}")
+ else
+ _ ->
+ Mix.shell().error("Could not change user tags for #{nickname}")
+ end
+ end
+ def run(["untag", nickname | tags]) do
+ Common.start_pleroma()
+ with %User{} = user <- User.get_by_nickname(nickname) do
+ user = user |> User.untag(tags)
+ Mix.shell().info("Tags of #{user.nickname}: #{inspect(tags)}")
+ else
+ _ ->
+ Mix.shell().error("Could not change user tags for #{nickname}")
+ end
+ end
def run(["invite"]) do