alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus.FeedRepresenter
alias Pleroma.Web.OStatus
alias Pleroma.Web.XML
+ require Logger
import Ecto.Query
- def subscribe(user, topic) do
- # Race condition, use transactions
+ def subscribe(user, topic, requester \\ &request_subscription/1) do
+ # FIXME: Race condition, use transactions
{:ok, subscription} = with subscription when not is_nil(subscription) <- Repo.get_by(WebsubClientSubscription, topic: topic) do
subscribers = [user.ap_id, subscription.subcribers] |> Enum.uniq
change = Ecto.Changeset.change(subscription, %{subscribers: subscribers})
topic: topic,
subscribers: [user.ap_id],
state: "requested",
- secret: :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8) |> Base.url_encode64
+ secret: :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8) |> Base.url_encode64,
+ user: user
+ requester.(subscription)
+ end
+ def discover(topic, getter \\ &HTTPoison.get/1) do
+ with {:ok, response} <- getter.(topic),
+ status_code when status_code in 200..299 <- response.status_code,
+ body <- response.body,
+ doc <- XML.parse_document(body),
+ url when not is_nil(url) <- XML.string_from_xpath(~S{/feed/link[@rel="self"]/@href}, doc),
+ hub when not is_nil(hub) <- XML.string_from_xpath(~S{/feed/link[@rel="hub"]/@href}, doc) do
+ {:ok, %{url: url, hub: hub}}
+ else e ->
+ {:error, e}
+ end
+ end
+ def request_subscription(websub, poster \\ &, timeout \\ 10_000) do
+ data = [
+ "hub.mode": "subscribe",
+ "hub.topic": websub.topic,
+ "hub.secret": websub.secret,
+ "hub.callback": ""
+ ]
+ # This checks once a second if we are confirmed yet
+ websub_checker = fn ->
+ helper = fn (helper) ->
+ :timer.sleep(1000)
+ websub = Repo.get_by(WebsubClientSubscription, id:, state: "accepted")
+ if websub, do: websub, else: helper.(helper)
+ end
+ helper.(helper)
+ end
- {:ok, subscription}
+ task = Task.async(websub_checker)
+ with {:ok, %{status_code: 202}} <- poster.(websub.hub, {:form, data}, ["Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]),
+ {:ok, websub} <- Task.yield(task, timeout) do
+ {:ok, websub}
+ else e ->
+ Task.shutdown(task)
+ change = Ecto.Changeset.change(websub, %{state: "rejected"})
+ {:ok, websub} = Repo.update(change)
+ Logger.debug("Couldn't confirm subscription: #{inspect(websub)}")
+ Logger.debug("error: #{inspect(e)}")
+ {:error, websub}
+ end
"hub.lease_seconds" => "100"
{:ok, subscription } = Websub.incoming_subscription_request(user, data)
assert subscription.topic == Pleroma.Web.OStatus.feed_path(user)
assert subscription.state == sub.state
assert ==
+ def accepting_verifier(subscription) do
+ {:ok, %{ subscription | state: "accepted" }}
+ end
test "initiate a subscription for a given user and topic" do
user = insert(:user)
topic = ""
- {:ok, websub} = Websub.subscribe(user, topic)
+ {:ok, websub} = Websub.subscribe(user, topic, &accepting_verifier/1)
assert websub.subscribers == [user.ap_id]
assert websub.topic == topic
assert is_binary(websub.secret)
+ assert websub.user == user
assert websub.state == "accepted"
+ test "discovers the hub and canonical url" do
+ topic = ""
+ getter = fn(^topic) ->
+ doc =!("test/fixtures/lambadalambda.atom")
+ {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: doc}}
+ end
+ {:ok, discovered} =, getter)
+ assert %{hub: "", url: topic} == discovered
+ end
+ test "calls the hub, requests topic" do
+ hub = ""
+ topic = ""
+ websub = insert(:websub_client_subscription, %{hub: hub, topic: topic})
+ poster = fn (^hub, {:form, data}, _headers) ->
+ assert Keyword.get(data, :"hub.mode") == "subscribe"
+ {:ok, %{status_code: 202}}
+ end
+ task = Task.async(fn -> Websub.request_subscription(websub, poster) end)
+ change = Ecto.Changeset.change(websub, %{state: "accepted"})
+ {:ok, _} = Repo.update(change)
+ {:ok, websub} = Task.await(task)
+ assert websub.state == "accepted"
+ end
+ test "rejects the subscription if it can't be accepted" do
+ hub = ""
+ topic = ""
+ websub = insert(:websub_client_subscription, %{hub: hub, topic: topic})
+ poster = fn (^hub, {:form, _data}, _headers) ->
+ {:ok, %{status_code: 202}}
+ end
+ {:error, websub} = Websub.request_subscription(websub, poster, 1000)
+ assert websub.state == "rejected"
+ websub = insert(:websub_client_subscription, %{hub: hub, topic: topic})
+ poster = fn (^hub, {:form, _data}, _headers) ->
+ {:ok, %{status_code: 400}}
+ end
+ {:error, websub} = Websub.request_subscription(websub, poster, 1000)
+ assert websub.state == "rejected"
+ end