mix pleroma.database ensure_expiration
+## Change Text Search Configuration
+Change `default_text_search_config` for database and (if necessary) text_search_config used in index, then rebuild index (it may take time).
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database set_text_search_config english
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database set_text_search_config english
+ ```
+See [PostgreSQL documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/textsearch-configuration.html) and `docs/configuration/howto_search_cjk.md` for more detail.
--- /dev/null
+# How to enable text search for Chinese, Japanese and Korean
+Pleroma's full text search feature is powered by PostgreSQL's native [text search](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/textsearch.html), it works well out of box for most of languages, but needs extra configurations for some asian languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK).
+## Setup and test the new search config
+In most cases, you would need an extension installed to support parsing CJK text. Here are a few extension you may choose from, or you are more than welcome to share additional ones you found working for you with the rest of Pleroma community.
+ * [a generic n-gram parser](https://github.com/huangjimmy/pg_cjk_parser) supports Simplifed/Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
+ * [a Korean parser](https://github.com/i0seph/textsearch_ko) based on mecab
+ * [a Japanese parser](https://www.amris.co.jp/tsja/index.html) based on mecab
+ * [zhparser](https://github.com/amutu/zhparser/) is a PostgreSQL extension base on the Simple Chinese Word Segmentation(SCWS)
+ * [another Chinese parser](https://github.com/jaiminpan/pg_jieba) based on Jieba Chinese Word Segmentation
+Once you have the new search config , make sure you test it with the `pleroma` user in PostgreSQL (change `YOUR.CONFIG` to your real configuration name)
+SELECT ts_debug('YOUR.CONFIG', '安装和配置Nginx, ElixirとErlangをインストールします');
+Check output of the query, and see if it matches your expectation.
+## Update text search config and index in database
+=== "OTP"
+ ```sh
+ ./bin/pleroma_ctl database set_text_search_config YOUR.CONFIG
+ ```
+=== "From Source"
+ ```sh
+ mix pleroma.database set_text_search_config YOUR.CONFIG
+ ```
+Note: index update may take a while.
+## Restart database connection
+Since some changes above will only apply with a new database connection, you will have to restart either Pleroma or PostgreSQL process, or use `pg_terminate_backend` SQL command without restarting either.
+Now the search results of statuses should be much more friendly for your language of choice, the results for searching users and tags were not changed, as the default parsing/matching should work for most cases.
|> Stream.run()
+ def run(["set_text_search_config", tsconfig]) do
+ start_pleroma()
+ %{rows: [[tsc]]} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "SHOW default_text_search_config;")
+ shell_info("Current default_text_search_config: #{tsc}")
+ %{rows: [[db]]} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "SELECT current_database();")
+ shell_info("Update default_text_search_config: #{tsconfig}")
+ %{messages: msg} =
+ Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(
+ Pleroma.Repo,
+ "ALTER DATABASE #{db} SET default_text_search_config = '#{tsconfig}';"
+ )
+ # non-exist config will not raise excpetion but only give >0 messages
+ if length(msg) > 0 do
+ shell_info("Error: #{inspect(msg, pretty: true)}")
+ else
+ rum_enabled = Pleroma.Config.get([:database, :rum_enabled])
+ shell_info("Recreate index, RUM: #{rum_enabled}")
+ # Note SQL below needs to be kept up-to-date with latest GIN or RUM index definition in future
+ if rum_enabled do
+ Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(
+ Pleroma.Repo,
+ "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION objects_fts_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN
+ new.fts_content := to_tsvector(new.data->>'content');
+ RETURN new;
+ $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql"
+ )
+ shell_info("Refresh RUM index")
+ Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "UPDATE objects SET updated_at = NOW();")
+ else
+ Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Pleroma.Repo, "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS objects_fts;")
+ Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(
+ Pleroma.Repo,
+ "CREATE INDEX objects_fts ON objects USING gin(to_tsvector('#{tsconfig}', data->>'content')); "
+ )
+ end
+ shell_info('Done.')
+ end
+ end
from([a, o] in q,
- "to_tsvector('english', ?->>'content') @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)",
+ "to_tsvector(?->>'content') @@ plainto_tsquery(?)",
from([a, o] in q,
- "to_tsvector('english', ?->>'content') @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",
+ "to_tsvector(?->>'content') @@ websearch_to_tsquery(?)",
from([a, o] in q,
- "? @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)",
+ "? @@ plainto_tsquery(?)",
from([a, o] in q,
- "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery('english', ?)",
+ "? @@ websearch_to_tsquery(?)",
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.AddDefaultTextSearchConfig do
+ use Ecto.Migration
+ def change do
+ execute("DO $$
+ execute 'ALTER DATABASE '||current_database()||' SET default_text_search_config = ''english'' ';
+ $$;")
+ end
execute("CREATE FUNCTION objects_fts_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$
- new.fts_content := to_tsvector('english', new.data->>'content');
+ new.fts_content := to_tsvector(new.data->>'content');
return new;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql")