@doc """
Returns a tuple with 2 elements:
- {enabled notification receivers, currently disabled receivers (blocking / [thread] muting)}
+ {notification-enabled receivers, currently disabled receivers (blocking / [thread] muting)}
NOTE: might be called for FAKE Activities, see ActivityPub.Utils.get_notified_from_object/1
+ @spec get_notified_from_activity(Activity.t(), boolean()) :: {list(User.t()), list(User.t())}
def get_notified_from_activity(activity, local_only \\ true)
def get_notified_from_activity(%Activity{data: %{"type" => type}} = activity, local_only)
|> Utils.maybe_notify_followers(activity)
|> Enum.uniq()
- # Since even subscribers and followers can mute / thread-mute, filtering all above AP IDs
- notification_enabled_ap_ids =
- potential_receiver_ap_ids
- |> exclude_relationship_restricted_ap_ids(activity)
- |> exclude_thread_muter_ap_ids(activity)
potential_receivers =
|> Enum.uniq()
|> User.get_users_from_set(local_only)
+ activity_actor_domain = activity.actor && URI.parse(activity.actor).host
+ notification_enabled_ap_ids =
+ for u <- potential_receivers, activity_actor_domain not in u.domain_blocks, do: u.ap_id
+ # Since even subscribers and followers can mute / thread-mute, filtering all above AP IDs
+ notification_enabled_ap_ids =
+ notification_enabled_ap_ids
+ |> exclude_relationship_restricted_ap_ids(activity)
+ |> exclude_thread_muter_ap_ids(activity)
notification_enabled_users =
Enum.filter(potential_receivers, fn u -> u.ap_id in notification_enabled_ap_ids end)
assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
refute other_user in enabled_receivers
+ test "it returns domain-blocking recipient in disabled recipients list" do
+ blocked_domain = "blocked.domain"
+ user = insert(:user, %{ap_id: "https://#{blocked_domain}/@actor"})
+ other_user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, other_user} = User.block_domain(other_user, blocked_domain)
+ {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{"status" => "hey @#{other_user.nickname}!"})
+ {enabled_receivers, disabled_receivers} = Notification.get_notified_from_activity(activity)
+ assert [] == enabled_receivers
+ assert [other_user] == disabled_receivers
+ end
describe "notification lifecycle" do