config :pleroma, :connections_pool,
checkin_timeout: 250,
max_connections: 250,
- retry: 0,
- retry_timeout: 100,
+ retry: 1,
+ retry_timeout: 1000,
await_up_timeout: 5_000
config :pleroma, :pools,
* `:checkin_timeout` - timeout to checkin connection from pool. Default: 250ms.
* `:max_connections` - maximum number of connections in the pool. Default: 250 connections.
-* `:retry` - number of retries, while `gun` will try to reconnect if connections goes down. Default: 5.
-* `:retry_timeout` - timeout while `gun` will try to reconnect. Default: 100ms.
+* `:retry` - number of retries, while `gun` will try to reconnect if connections goes down. Default: 1.
+* `:retry_timeout` - timeout while `gun` will try to reconnect. Default: 1000ms.
* `:await_up_timeout` - timeout while `gun` will wait until connection is up. Default: 5000ms.
### :pools
opts =
|> Enum.into(%{})
- |> Map.put_new(:retry, pool_opts[:retry] || 0)
- |> Map.put_new(:retry_timeout, pool_opts[:retry_timeout] || 100)
+ |> Map.put_new(:retry, pool_opts[:retry] || 1)
+ |> Map.put_new(:retry_timeout, pool_opts[:retry_timeout] || 1000)
|> Map.put_new(:await_up_timeout, pool_opts[:await_up_timeout] || 5_000)
key = "#{uri.scheme}:#{}:#{uri.port}"
connect_timeout: 5_000,
domain_lookup_timeout: 5_000,
tls_handshake_timeout: 5_000,
- retry: 0,
+ retry: 1,
+ retry_timeout: 1000,
await_up_timeout: 5_000
@impl true
def handle_info({:gun_down, conn_pid, _protocol, _reason, _killed}, state) do
- retries = Config.get([:connections_pool, :retry], 0)
+ retries = Config.get([:connections_pool, :retry], 1)
# we can't get info on this pid, because pid is dead
state =
with {key, conn} <- find_conn(state.conns, conn_pid),