@type proxy_type() :: :socks4 | :socks5
@type host() :: charlist() | :inet.ip_address()
- @type pool() :: :federation | :upload | :media | :default
- alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper
require Logger
def options(%URI{} = uri, opts \\ []) do
|> Keyword.merge(opts)
- |> put_timeout()
|> adapter_helper().options(uri)
- @spec pool_timeout(pool()) :: non_neg_integer()
- def pool_timeout(pool) do
- {config_key, default} =
- if adapter() == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do
- {:pools, Config.get([:pools, :default, :timeout], 5_000)}
- else
- {:hackney_pools, 10_000}
- end
- Config.get([config_key, pool, :timeout], default)
- end
- # For Hackney, this is the time a connection can stay idle in the pool.
- # For Gun, this is the timeout to receive a message from Gun.
- defp put_timeout(opts) do
- Keyword.put_new(opts, :timeout, pool_timeout(opts[:pool]))
- end
+ @spec get_conn(URI.t(), keyword()) :: {:ok, keyword()} | {:error, atom()}
def get_conn(uri, opts), do: adapter_helper().get_conn(uri, opts)
defp adapter, do: Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter)
defp adapter_helper do
await_up_timeout: 5_000
+ @type pool() :: :federation | :upload | :media | :default
@spec options(keyword(), URI.t()) :: keyword()
def options(incoming_opts \\ [], %URI{} = uri) do
proxy =
|> add_scheme_opts(uri)
|> AdapterHelper.maybe_add_proxy(proxy)
|> Keyword.merge(incoming_opts)
+ |> put_timeout()
defp add_scheme_opts(opts, %{scheme: "http"}), do: opts
Keyword.put(opts, :certificates_verification, true)
+ defp put_timeout(opts) do
+ # this is the timeout to receive a message from Gun
+ Keyword.put_new(opts, :timeout, pool_timeout(opts[:pool]))
+ end
+ @spec pool_timeout(pool()) :: non_neg_integer()
+ def pool_timeout(pool) do
+ default = Config.get([:pools, :default, :timeout], 5_000)
+ Config.get([:pools, pool, :timeout], default)
+ end
@spec get_conn(URI.t(), keyword()) :: {:ok, keyword()} | {:error, atom()}
def get_conn(uri, opts) do
case ConnectionPool.get_conn(uri, opts) do
{:content_type, upload.content_type}
- # set s3 upload timeout to respect :upload pool timeout
- # timeout should be slightly larger, so s3 can retry upload on fail
- timeout = Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.pool_timeout(:upload) + 1_000
- opts = Keyword.put(op.opts, :timeout, timeout)
- Map.put(op, :opts, opts)
+ if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do
+ # set s3 upload timeout to respect :upload pool timeout
+ # timeout should be slightly larger, so s3 can retry upload on fail
+ timeout = Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.Gun.pool_timeout(:upload) + 1_000
+ opts = Keyword.put(op.opts, :timeout, timeout)
+ Map.put(op, :opts, opts)
+ else
+ op
+ end
{:ok, file_data} = File.read(upload.tempfile)