--- /dev/null
+# Managing relays
+Every command should be ran with a prefix, in case of OTP releases it is `./bin/pleroma_ctl relay` and in case of source installs it's `mix pleroma.relay`.
+## Follow a relay
+$PREFIX follow <relay_url>
+$PREFIX follow https://example.org/relay
+## Unfollow a remote relay
+$PREFIX unfollow <relay_url>
+$PREFIX unfollow https://example.org/relay
+## List relay subscriptions
+$PREFIX list
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Relay
@shortdoc "Manages remote relays"
- @moduledoc """
- Manages remote relays
- ## Follow a remote relay
- ``mix pleroma.relay follow <relay_url>``
- Example: ``mix pleroma.relay follow https://example.org/relay``
- ## Unfollow a remote relay
- ``mix pleroma.relay unfollow <relay_url>``
- Example: ``mix pleroma.relay unfollow https://example.org/relay``
- ## List relay subscriptions
- ``mix pleroma.relay list``
- """
def run(["follow", target]) do