worker(Pleroma.Config, [Application.get_all_env(:pleroma)]),
# Start the Ecto repository
supervisor(Pleroma.Repo, []),
- # Start the endpoint when the application starts
- supervisor(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, []),
+ worker(Pleroma.Emoji, []),
# Start your own worker by calling: Pleroma.Worker.start_link(arg1, arg2, arg3)
# worker(Pleroma.Worker, [arg1, arg2, arg3]),
id: :cachex_idem
worker(Pleroma.Web.Federator, []),
- worker(Pleroma.Gopher.Server, []),
- worker(Pleroma.Stats, [])
+ worker(Pleroma.Stats, []),
+ # Start the endpoint when the application starts
+ supervisor(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, []),
+ worker(Pleroma.Gopher.Server, [])
] ++
if Mix.env() == :test,
do: [],
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Emoji do
+ @moduledoc """
+ The emojis are loaded from:
+ * the built-in Finmojis (if enabled in configuration),
+ * the files: `config/emoji.txt` and `config/custom_emoji.txt`
+ * glob paths
+ This GenServer stores in an ETS table the list of the loaded emojis, and also allows to reload the list at runtime.
+ """
+ use GenServer
+ @ets __MODULE__.Ets
+ @ets_options [:set, :protected, :named_table, {:read_concurrency, true}]
+ @doc false
+ def start_link() do
+ GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
+ end
+ @doc "Reloads the emojis from disk."
+ @spec reload() :: :ok
+ def reload() do
+, :reload)
+ end
+ @doc "Returns the path of the emoji `name`."
+ @spec get(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil
+ def get(name) do
+ case :ets.lookup(@ets, name) do
+ [{_, path}] -> path
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ @doc "Returns all the emojos!!"
+ @spec get_all() :: [{String.t(), String.t()}, ...]
+ def get_all() do
+ :ets.tab2list(@ets)
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def init(_) do
+ @ets =, @ets_options)
+ {:ok, nil, {:continue, :reload}}
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def handle_continue(:reload, state) do
+ load()
+ {:noreply, state}
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def handle_call(:reload, _from, state) do
+ load()
+ {:reply, :ok, state}
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def terminate(_, _) do
+ :ok
+ end
+ @doc false
+ def code_change(_old_vsn, state, _extra) do
+ load()
+ {:ok, state}
+ end
+ defp load() do
+ emojis =
+ (load_finmoji(Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:pleroma, :instance), :finmoji_enabled)) ++
+ load_from_file("config/emoji.txt") ++
+ load_from_file("config/custom_emoji.txt") ++
+ load_from_globs(
+ Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:pleroma, :emoji, []), :shortcode_globs, [])
+ ))
+ |> Enum.reject(fn value -> value == nil end)
+ true = :ets.insert(@ets, emojis)
+ :ok
+ end
+ @finmoji [
+ "a_trusted_friend",
+ "alandislands",
+ "association",
+ "auroraborealis",
+ "baby_in_a_box",
+ "bear",
+ "black_gold",
+ "christmasparty",
+ "crosscountryskiing",
+ "cupofcoffee",
+ "education",
+ "fashionista_finns",
+ "finnishlove",
+ "flag",
+ "forest",
+ "four_seasons_of_bbq",
+ "girlpower",
+ "handshake",
+ "happiness",
+ "headbanger",
+ "icebreaker",
+ "iceman",
+ "joulutorttu",
+ "kaamos",
+ "kalsarikannit_f",
+ "kalsarikannit_m",
+ "karjalanpiirakka",
+ "kicksled",
+ "kokko",
+ "lavatanssit",
+ "losthopes_f",
+ "losthopes_m",
+ "mattinykanen",
+ "meanwhileinfinland",
+ "moominmamma",
+ "nordicfamily",
+ "out_of_office",
+ "peacemaker",
+ "perkele",
+ "pesapallo",
+ "polarbear",
+ "pusa_hispida_saimensis",
+ "reindeer",
+ "sami",
+ "sauna_f",
+ "sauna_m",
+ "sauna_whisk",
+ "sisu",
+ "stuck",
+ "suomimainittu",
+ "superfood",
+ "swan",
+ "the_cap",
+ "the_conductor",
+ "the_king",
+ "the_voice",
+ "theoriginalsanta",
+ "tomoffinland",
+ "torillatavataan",
+ "unbreakable",
+ "waiting",
+ "white_nights",
+ "woollysocks"
+ ]
+ defp load_finmoji(true) do
+, fn finmoji ->
+ {finmoji, "/finmoji/128px/#{finmoji}-128.png"}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp load_finmoji(_), do: :ok
+ defp load_from_file(file) do
+ if File.exists?(file) do
+ load_from_file_stream(!(file))
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ defp load_from_file_stream(stream) do
+ stream
+ |>
+ |> line ->
+ case String.split(line, ~r/,\s*/) do
+ [name, file] -> {name, file}
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end)
+ |> Enum.to_list()
+ end
+ defp load_from_globs(globs) do
+ static_path = Path.join(:code.priv_dir(:pleroma), "static")
+ paths =
+, fn glob ->
+ Path.join(static_path, glob)
+ |> Path.wildcard()
+ end)
+ |> Enum.concat()
+, fn path ->
+ shortcode = Path.basename(path, Path.extname(path))
+ external_path = Path.join("/", Path.relative_to(path, static_path))
+ {shortcode, external_path}
+ end)
+ end
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
alias Pleroma.HTML
+ alias Pleroma.Emoji
@tag_regex ~r/\#\w+/u
def parse_tags(text, data \\ %{}) do
|> Enum.filter(fn {_match, user} -> user end)
- @finmoji [
- "a_trusted_friend",
- "alandislands",
- "association",
- "auroraborealis",
- "baby_in_a_box",
- "bear",
- "black_gold",
- "christmasparty",
- "crosscountryskiing",
- "cupofcoffee",
- "education",
- "fashionista_finns",
- "finnishlove",
- "flag",
- "forest",
- "four_seasons_of_bbq",
- "girlpower",
- "handshake",
- "happiness",
- "headbanger",
- "icebreaker",
- "iceman",
- "joulutorttu",
- "kaamos",
- "kalsarikannit_f",
- "kalsarikannit_m",
- "karjalanpiirakka",
- "kicksled",
- "kokko",
- "lavatanssit",
- "losthopes_f",
- "losthopes_m",
- "mattinykanen",
- "meanwhileinfinland",
- "moominmamma",
- "nordicfamily",
- "out_of_office",
- "peacemaker",
- "perkele",
- "pesapallo",
- "polarbear",
- "pusa_hispida_saimensis",
- "reindeer",
- "sami",
- "sauna_f",
- "sauna_m",
- "sauna_whisk",
- "sisu",
- "stuck",
- "suomimainittu",
- "superfood",
- "swan",
- "the_cap",
- "the_conductor",
- "the_king",
- "the_voice",
- "theoriginalsanta",
- "tomoffinland",
- "torillatavataan",
- "unbreakable",
- "waiting",
- "white_nights",
- "woollysocks"
- ]
@instance Application.get_env(:pleroma, :instance)
- @finmoji_with_filenames (if Keyword.get(@instance, :finmoji_enabled) do
-, fn finmoji ->
- {finmoji, "/finmoji/128px/#{finmoji}-128.png"}
- end)
- else
- []
- end)
- @emoji_from_file (with {:ok, default} <-"config/emoji.txt") do
- custom =
- with {:ok, custom} <-"config/custom_emoji.txt") do
- custom
- else
- _e -> ""
- end
- (default <> "\n" <> custom)
- |> String.trim()
- |> String.split(~r/\n+/)
- |> line ->
- [name, file] = String.split(line, ~r/,\s*/)
- {name, file}
- end)
- else
- _ -> []
- end)
- @emoji_from_globs (
- static_path = Path.join(:code.priv_dir(:pleroma), "static")
- globs =
- Application.get_env(:pleroma, :emoji, [])
- |> Keyword.get(:shortcode_globs, [])
- paths =
-, fn glob ->
- Path.join(static_path, glob)
- |> Path.wildcard()
- end)
- |> Enum.concat()
-, fn path ->
- shortcode = Path.basename(path, Path.extname(path))
- external_path = Path.join("/", Path.relative_to(path, static_path))
- {shortcode, external_path}
- end)
- )
- @emoji @finmoji_with_filenames ++ @emoji_from_globs ++ @emoji_from_file
+ def emojify(text) do
+ emojify(text, Emoji.get_all())
+ end
- def emojify(text, emoji \\ @emoji)
def emojify(text, nil), do: text
def emojify(text, emoji) do
def get_emoji(text) when is_binary(text) do
- Enum.filter(@emoji, fn {emoji, _} -> String.contains?(text, ":#{emoji}:") end)
+ Enum.filter(Emoji.get_all(), fn {emoji, _} -> String.contains?(text, ":#{emoji}:") end)
def get_emoji(_), do: []
- def get_custom_emoji() do
- @emoji
- end
@link_regex ~r/[0-9a-z+\-\.]+:[0-9a-z$-_.+!*'(),]+/ui
@uri_schemes Application.get_env(:pleroma, :uri_schemes, [])
defp mastodonized_emoji do
- Pleroma.Formatter.get_custom_emoji()
+ Pleroma.Emoji.get_all()
|> {shortcode, relative_url} ->
url = to_string(URI.merge(Web.base_url(), relative_url))
alias Pleroma.Web.WebFinger
alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI
alias Comeonin.Pbkdf2
- alias Pleroma.Formatter
+ alias Pleroma.{Formatter, Emoji}
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub
alias Pleroma.{Repo, PasswordResetToken, User}
def emoji(conn, _params) do
- json(conn, Enum.into(Formatter.get_custom_emoji(), %{}))
+ json(conn, Enum.into(Emoji.get_all(), %{}))
def follow_import(conn, %{"list" => %Plug.Upload{} = listfile}) do