## Configuration
- A keyword list of rate limiters where a key is a limiter name and value is the limiter configuration. The basic configuration is a tuple where:
+ A keyword list of rate limiters where a key is a limiter name and value is the limiter configuration.
+ The basic configuration is a tuple where:
* The first element: `scale` (Integer). The time scale in milliseconds.
* The second element: `limit` (Integer). How many requests to limit in the time scale provided.
- It is also possible to have different limits for unauthenticated and authenticated users: the keyword value must be a list of two tuples where the first one is a config for unauthenticated users and the second one is for authenticated.
+ It is also possible to have different limits for unauthenticated and authenticated users: the keyword value must be a
+ list of two tuples where the first one is a config for unauthenticated users and the second one is for authenticated.
To disable a limiter set its value to `nil`.
import Pleroma.Web.TranslationHelpers
import Plug.Conn
+ alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Plugs.RateLimiter.LimiterSupervisor
alias Pleroma.User
require Logger
- def init(opts) do
- limiter_name = Keyword.get(opts, :name)
- case Pleroma.Config.get([:rate_limit, limiter_name]) do
- nil ->
- nil
- config ->
- name_root = Keyword.get(opts, :bucket_name, limiter_name)
+ @doc false
+ def init(plug_opts) do
+ plug_opts
+ end
- %{
- name: name_root,
- limits: config,
- opts: opts
- }
+ def call(conn, plug_opts) do
+ if disabled?() do
+ handle_disabled(conn)
+ else
+ action_settings = action_settings(plug_opts)
+ handle(conn, action_settings)
- # Do not limit if there is no limiter configuration
- def call(conn, nil), do: conn
+ defp handle_disabled(conn) do
+ if Config.get(:env) == :prod do
+ Logger.warn("Rate limiter is disabled for localhost/socket")
+ end
+ conn
+ end
- def call(conn, settings) do
- case disabled?() do
- true ->
- if Pleroma.Config.get(:env) == :prod,
- do: Logger.warn("Rate limiter is disabled for localhost/socket")
+ defp handle(conn, nil), do: conn
+ defp handle(conn, action_settings) do
+ action_settings
+ |> incorporate_conn_info(conn)
+ |> check_rate()
+ |> case do
+ {:ok, _count} ->
- false ->
- settings
- |> incorporate_conn_info(conn)
- |> check_rate()
- |> case do
- {:ok, _count} ->
- conn
- {:error, _count} ->
- render_throttled_error(conn)
- end
+ {:error, _count} ->
+ render_throttled_error(conn)
def disabled? do
localhost_or_socket =
- Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip])
+ Config.get([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip])
|> Tuple.to_list()
|> Enum.join(".")
|> String.match?(~r/^local|^
- remote_ip_disabled = not Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled])
+ remote_ip_disabled = not Config.get([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled])
localhost_or_socket and remote_ip_disabled
- def inspect_bucket(conn, name_root, settings) do
- settings =
- settings
- |> incorporate_conn_info(conn)
+ def inspect_bucket(conn, bucket_name_root, plug_opts) do
+ with %{name: _} = action_settings <- action_settings(plug_opts) do
+ action_settings = incorporate_conn_info(action_settings, conn)
+ bucket_name = make_bucket_name(%{action_settings | name: bucket_name_root})
+ key_name = make_key_name(action_settings)
+ limit = get_limits(action_settings)
- bucket_name = make_bucket_name(%{settings | name: name_root})
- key_name = make_key_name(settings)
- limit = get_limits(settings)
+ case Cachex.get(bucket_name, key_name) do
+ {:error, :no_cache} ->
+ {:err, :not_found}
- case Cachex.get(bucket_name, key_name) do
- {:error, :no_cache} ->
- {:err, :not_found}
+ {:ok, nil} ->
+ {0, limit}
+ {:ok, value} ->
+ {value, limit - value}
+ end
+ else
+ _ -> {:err, :not_found}
+ end
+ end
- {:ok, nil} ->
- {0, limit}
+ def action_settings(plug_opts) do
+ with limiter_name when not is_nil(limiter_name) <- plug_opts[:name],
+ limits when not is_nil(limits) <- Config.get([:rate_limit, limiter_name]) do
+ bucket_name_root = Keyword.get(plug_opts, :bucket_name, limiter_name)
- {:ok, value} ->
- {value, limit - value}
+ %{
+ name: bucket_name_root,
+ limits: limits,
+ opts: plug_opts
+ }
- defp check_rate(settings) do
- bucket_name = make_bucket_name(settings)
- key_name = make_key_name(settings)
- limit = get_limits(settings)
+ defp check_rate(action_settings) do
+ bucket_name = make_bucket_name(action_settings)
+ key_name = make_key_name(action_settings)
+ limit = get_limits(action_settings)
case Cachex.get_and_update(bucket_name, key_name, &increment_value(&1, limit)) do
{:commit, value} ->
{:error, value}
{:error, :no_cache} ->
- initialize_buckets(settings)
- check_rate(settings)
+ initialize_buckets(action_settings)
+ check_rate(action_settings)
defp increment_value(val, _limit), do: {:commit, val + 1}
- defp incorporate_conn_info(settings, %{assigns: %{user: %User{id: user_id}}, params: params}) do
- Map.merge(settings, %{
+ defp incorporate_conn_info(action_settings, %{
+ assigns: %{user: %User{id: user_id}},
+ params: params
+ }) do
+ Map.merge(action_settings, %{
mode: :user,
conn_params: params,
conn_info: "#{user_id}"
- defp incorporate_conn_info(settings, %{params: params} = conn) do
- Map.merge(settings, %{
+ defp incorporate_conn_info(action_settings, %{params: params} = conn) do
+ Map.merge(action_settings, %{
mode: :anon,
conn_params: params,
conn_info: "#{ip(conn)}"
|> halt()
- defp make_key_name(settings) do
+ defp make_key_name(action_settings) do
- |> attach_params(settings)
- |> attach_identity(settings)
+ |> attach_selected_params(action_settings)
+ |> attach_identity(action_settings)
defp get_scale(_, {scale, _}), do: scale
defp get_limits(%{limits: [{_, limit}, _]}), do: limit
- defp make_bucket_name(%{mode: :user, name: name_root}),
- do: user_bucket_name(name_root)
+ defp make_bucket_name(%{mode: :user, name: bucket_name_root}),
+ do: user_bucket_name(bucket_name_root)
- defp make_bucket_name(%{mode: :anon, name: name_root}),
- do: anon_bucket_name(name_root)
+ defp make_bucket_name(%{mode: :anon, name: bucket_name_root}),
+ do: anon_bucket_name(bucket_name_root)
- defp attach_params(input, %{conn_params: conn_params, opts: opts}) do
- param_string =
- opts
+ defp attach_selected_params(input, %{conn_params: conn_params, opts: plug_opts}) do
+ params_string =
+ plug_opts
|> Keyword.get(:params, [])
|> Enum.sort()
|> Enum.map(&Map.get(conn_params, &1, ""))
|> Enum.join(":")
- "#{input}#{param_string}"
+ [input, params_string]
+ |> Enum.join(":")
+ |> String.replace_leading(":", "")
defp initialize_buckets(%{name: _name, limits: nil}), do: :ok
defp attach_identity(base, %{mode: :anon, conn_info: conn_info}),
do: "ip:#{base}:#{conn_info}"
- defp user_bucket_name(name_root), do: "user:#{name_root}" |> String.to_atom()
- defp anon_bucket_name(name_root), do: "anon:#{name_root}" |> String.to_atom()
+ defp user_bucket_name(bucket_name_root), do: "user:#{bucket_name_root}" |> String.to_atom()
+ defp anon_bucket_name(bucket_name_root), do: "anon:#{bucket_name_root}" |> String.to_atom()
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
use Plug.Test
+ alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Plugs.RateLimiter
import Pleroma.Factory
+ import Pleroma.Tests.Helpers, only: [clear_config: 1, clear_config: 2]
# Note: each example must work with separate buckets in order to prevent concurrency issues
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip])
+ clear_config(:rate_limit)
describe "config" do
+ @limiter_name :test_init
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled])
test "config is required for plug to work" do
- limiter_name = :test_init
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1, 1})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, @limiter_name], {1, 1})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
assert %{limits: {1, 1}, name: :test_init, opts: [name: :test_init]} ==
- RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
- assert nil == RateLimiter.init(name: :foo)
+ [name: @limiter_name]
+ |> RateLimiter.init()
+ |> RateLimiter.action_settings()
+ assert nil ==
+ [name: :nonexisting_limiter]
+ |> RateLimiter.init()
+ |> RateLimiter.action_settings()
test "it is disabled for localhost" do
- limiter_name = :test_init
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1, 1})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {127, 0, 0, 1})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], false)
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, @limiter_name], {1, 1})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {127, 0, 0, 1})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], false)
assert RateLimiter.disabled?() == true
test "it is disabled for socket" do
- limiter_name = :test_init
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1, 1})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {:local, "/path/to/pleroma.sock"})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], false)
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, @limiter_name], {1, 1})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {:local, "/path/to/pleroma.sock"})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], false)
assert RateLimiter.disabled?() == true
test "it is enabled for socket when remote ip is enabled" do
- limiter_name = :test_init
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1, 1})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {:local, "/path/to/pleroma.sock"})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], true)
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, @limiter_name], {1, 1})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {:local, "/path/to/pleroma.sock"})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], true)
assert RateLimiter.disabled?() == false
test "it restricts based on config values" do
- limiter_name = :test_opts
+ limiter_name = :test_plug_opts
scale = 80
limit = 5
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {scale, limit})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {scale, limit})
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
+ plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
conn = conn(:get, "/")
for i <- 1..5 do
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = Phoenix.ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
conn = conn(:get, "/")
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn.status == Plug.Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn.resp_body
test "`bucket_name` option overrides default bucket name" do
limiter_name = :test_bucket_name
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
base_bucket_name = "#{limiter_name}:group1"
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, bucket_name: base_bucket_name)
+ plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, bucket_name: base_bucket_name)
conn = conn(:get, "/")
- RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, base_bucket_name, opts)
- assert {:err, :not_found} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
+ RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, base_bucket_name, plug_opts)
+ assert {:err, :not_found} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
test "`params` option allows different queries to be tracked independently" do
limiter_name = :test_params
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, params: ["id"])
+ plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, params: ["id"])
conn = conn(:get, "/?id=1")
conn = Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params(conn)
conn_2 = conn(:get, "/?id=2")
- RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
- assert {0, 5} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, opts)
+ RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
+ assert {0, 5} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, plug_opts)
test "it supports combination of options modifying bucket name" do
limiter_name = :test_options_combo
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], {1000, 5})
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
base_bucket_name = "#{limiter_name}:group1"
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, bucket_name: base_bucket_name, params: ["id"])
+ plug_opts =
+ RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name, bucket_name: base_bucket_name, params: ["id"])
id = "100"
conn = conn(:get, "/?id=#{id}")
conn = Plug.Conn.fetch_query_params(conn)
conn_2 = conn(:get, "/?id=#{101}")
- RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, base_bucket_name, opts)
- assert {0, 5} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, base_bucket_name, opts)
+ RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, base_bucket_name, plug_opts)
+ assert {0, 5} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, base_bucket_name, plug_opts)
describe "unauthenticated users" do
test "are restricted based on remote IP" do
limiter_name = :test_unauthenticated
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1000, 5}, {1, 10}])
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1000, 5}, {1, 10}])
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
+ plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
conn = %{conn(:get, "/") | remote_ip: {127, 0, 0, 2}}
conn_2 = %{conn(:get, "/") | remote_ip: {127, 0, 0, 3}}
for i <- 1..5 do
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn.halted
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = Phoenix.ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
- conn_2 = RateLimiter.call(conn_2, opts)
- assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn_2 = RateLimiter.call(conn_2, plug_opts)
+ assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn_2.status == Plug.Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn_2.resp_body
- test "can have limits seperate from unauthenticated connections" do
- limiter_name = :test_authenticated
+ test "can have limits separate from unauthenticated connections" do
+ limiter_name = :test_authenticated1
scale = 50
limit = 5
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1000, 1}, {scale, limit}])
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1000, 1}, {scale, limit}])
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
+ plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
user = insert(:user)
conn = conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:user, user)
for i <- 1..5 do
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn.halted
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = Phoenix.ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
- test "diffrerent users are counted independently" do
- limiter_name = :test_authenticated
- Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1, 10}, {1000, 5}])
- Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
+ test "different users are counted independently" do
+ limiter_name = :test_authenticated2
+ Config.put([:rate_limit, limiter_name], [{1, 10}, {1000, 5}])
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :http, :ip], {8, 8, 8, 8})
- opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
+ plug_opts = RateLimiter.init(name: limiter_name)
user = insert(:user)
conn = conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:user, user)
conn_2 = conn(:get, "/") |> assign(:user, user_2)
for i <- 1..5 do
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
- assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
+ assert {^i, _} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn, limiter_name, plug_opts)
- conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, opts)
+ conn = RateLimiter.call(conn, plug_opts)
assert %{"error" => "Throttled"} = Phoenix.ConnTest.json_response(conn, :too_many_requests)
assert conn.halted
- conn_2 = RateLimiter.call(conn_2, opts)
- assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, opts)
+ conn_2 = RateLimiter.call(conn_2, plug_opts)
+ assert {1, 4} = RateLimiter.inspect_bucket(conn_2, limiter_name, plug_opts)
refute conn_2.status == Plug.Conn.Status.code(:too_many_requests)
refute conn_2.resp_body
refute conn_2.halted
assert json_response(res, 400) == %{"error" => "{\"email\":[\"has already been taken\"]}"}
- clear_config([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled])
+ test "returns bad_request if missing required params", %{
+ conn: conn,
+ valid_params: valid_params
+ } do
+ app_token = insert(:oauth_token, user: nil)
- test "rate limit", %{conn: conn} do
+ conn = put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer " <> app_token.token)
+ res = post(conn, "/api/v1/accounts", valid_params)
+ assert json_response(res, 200)
+ [{127, 0, 0, 1}, {127, 0, 0, 2}, {127, 0, 0, 3}, {127, 0, 0, 4}]
+ |> Stream.zip(valid_params)
+ |> Enum.each(fn {ip, {attr, _}} ->
+ res =
+ conn
+ |> Map.put(:remote_ip, ip)
+ |> post("/api/v1/accounts", Map.delete(valid_params, attr))
+ |> json_response(400)
+ assert res == %{"error" => "Missing parameters"}
+ end)
+ end
+ test "returns forbidden if token is invalid", %{conn: conn, valid_params: valid_params} do
+ conn = put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer " <> "invalid-token")
+ res = post(conn, "/api/v1/accounts", valid_params)
+ assert json_response(res, 403) == %{"error" => "Invalid credentials"}
+ end
+ end
+ describe "create account by app / rate limit" do
+ clear_config([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled]) do
Pleroma.Config.put([Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, :enabled], true)
+ end
+ clear_config([:rate_limit, :app_account_creation]) do
+ Pleroma.Config.put([:rate_limit, :app_account_creation], {10_000, 2})
+ end
+ test "respects rate limit setting", %{conn: conn} do
app_token = insert(:oauth_token, user: nil)
conn =
|> put_req_header("authorization", "Bearer " <> app_token.token)
|> Map.put(:remote_ip, {15, 15, 15, 15})
- for i <- 1..5 do
+ for i <- 1..2 do
conn =
post(conn, "/api/v1/accounts", %{
username: "#{i}lain",
assert json_response(conn, :too_many_requests) == %{"error" => "Throttled"}
- test "returns bad_request if missing required params", %{
- conn: conn,
- valid_params: valid_params
- } do
- app_token = insert(:oauth_token, user: nil)
- conn = put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer " <> app_token.token)
- res = post(conn, "/api/v1/accounts", valid_params)
- assert json_response(res, 200)
- [{127, 0, 0, 1}, {127, 0, 0, 2}, {127, 0, 0, 3}, {127, 0, 0, 4}]
- |> Stream.zip(valid_params)
- |> Enum.each(fn {ip, {attr, _}} ->
- res =
- conn
- |> Map.put(:remote_ip, ip)
- |> post("/api/v1/accounts", Map.delete(valid_params, attr))
- |> json_response(400)
- assert res == %{"error" => "Missing parameters"}
- end)
- end
- test "returns forbidden if token is invalid", %{conn: conn, valid_params: valid_params} do
- conn = put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer " <> "invalid-token")
- res = post(conn, "/api/v1/accounts", valid_params)
- assert json_response(res, 403) == %{"error" => "Invalid credentials"}
- end
describe "GET /api/v1/accounts/:id/lists - account_lists" do