def image_resize(url, options) do
with executable when is_binary(executable) <- System.find_executable("convert"),
{:ok, args} <- prepare_image_resize_args(options),
- {:ok, env} <- HTTP.get(url, [], adapter: [pool: :media]),
+ {:ok, env} <- HTTP.get(url, [], pool: :media),
{:ok, fifo_path} <- mkfifo() do
args = List.flatten([fifo_path, args])
run_fifo(fifo_path, env, executable, args)
def video_framegrab(url) do
with executable when is_binary(executable) <- System.find_executable("ffmpeg"),
- {:ok, env} <- HTTP.get(url, [], adapter: [pool: :media]),
+ {:ok, env} <- HTTP.get(url, [], pool: :media),
{:ok, fifo_path} <- mkfifo(),
args = [
try do
with {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: html}} <-
Pleroma.HTTP.get(to_string(instance_uri), [{"accept", "text/html"}],
- adapter: [pool: :media]
+ pool: :media
favicon_rel <-
media_proxy_url = MediaProxy.url(url)
with {:ok, %{status: status} = head_response} when status in 200..299 <-
- Pleroma.HTTP.request("head", media_proxy_url, [], [], adapter: [pool: :media]) do
+ Pleroma.HTTP.request("head", media_proxy_url, [], [], pool: :media) do
content_type = Tesla.get_header(head_response, "content-type")
handle_preview(content_type, conn, media_proxy_url)