apply(__MODULE__, operation, [])
+ @spec index_operation() :: Operation.t()
+ def index_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Applications"],
+ summary: "List applications",
+ description: "List the OAuth applications for the current user",
+ operationId: "AppController.index",
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => Operation.response("App", "application/json", index_response()),
+ }
+ }
+ end
@spec create_operation() :: Operation.t()
def create_operation do
+ defp index_response do
+ %Schema{
+ title: "AppIndexResponse",
+ description: "Response schema for GET /api/v1/apps",
+ type: :object,
+ properties: [%{
+ id: %Schema{type: :string},
+ name: %Schema{type: :string},
+ client_id: %Schema{type: :string},
+ client_secret: %Schema{type: :string},
+ redirect_uri: %Schema{type: :string},
+ vapid_key: %Schema{type: :string},
+ website: %Schema{type: :string, nullable: true}
+ }],
+ example: [%{
+ "id" => "123",
+ "name" => "My App",
+ "client_id" => "TWhM-tNSuncnqN7DBJmoyeLnk6K3iJJ71KKXxgL1hPM",
+ "client_secret" => "ZEaFUFmF0umgBX1qKJDjaU99Q31lDkOU8NutzTOoliw",
+ "vapid_key" =>
+ "BCk-QqERU0q-CfYZjcuB6lnyyOYfJ2AifKqfeGIm7Z-HiTU5T9eTG5GxVA0_OH5mMlI4UkkDTpaZwozy0TzdZ2M=",
+ "website" => ""
+ }]
+ }
+ end
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.App
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Scopes
alias Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token
+ alias Pleroma.Web.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug
plug(:skip_auth when action in [:create, :verify_credentials])
+ plug(:skip_plug, OAuthScopesPlug when action in [:index])
@local_mastodon_name "Mastodon-Local"
defdelegate open_api_operation(action), to: Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.AppOperation
+ @doc "GET /api/v1/apps"
+ def index(%{assigns: %{user: user}} = conn, _params) do
+ with apps <- App.get_user_apps(user) do
+ render(conn, "index.json", %{apps: apps})
+ end
+ end
@doc "POST /api/v1/apps"
def create(%{body_params: params} = conn, _params) do
scopes = Scopes.fetch_scopes(params, ["read"])
+ def render("index.json", %{apps: apps}) do
+ render_many(apps, Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AppView, "show.json")
+ end
def render("show.json", %{admin: true, app: %App{} = app} = assigns) do
|> render(Map.delete(assigns, :admin))
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
alias Pleroma.Repo
+ alias Pleroma.User
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
field(:client_secret, :string)
field(:trusted, :boolean, default: false)
+ belongs_to(:user, User, type: FlakeId.Ecto.CompatType)
has_many(:oauth_authorizations, Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Authorization, on_delete: :delete_all)
has_many(:oauth_tokens, Pleroma.Web.OAuth.Token, on_delete: :delete_all)
{:ok, Repo.all(query), count}
+ @spec get_user_apps(User.t()) :: {:ok, [t()], non_neg_integer()}
+ def get_user_apps(%User{id: user_id}) do
+ from(a in __MODULE__, where: a.user_id == ^user_id)
+ |> Repo.all()
+ end
@spec destroy(pos_integer()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
def destroy(id) do
with %__MODULE__{} = app <- Repo.get(__MODULE__, id) do
scope "/api/v1", Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI do
+ get("/apps", AppController, :index)
get("/accounts/verify_credentials", AccountController, :verify_credentials)
patch("/accounts/update_credentials", AccountController, :update_credentials)
--- /dev/null
+defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.AddUserIdToApps do
+ use Ecto.Migration
+ def change do
+ alter table(:apps) do
+ add(:user_id, references(:users, type: :uuid, on_delete: :delete_all))
+ end
+ end