- Introduced [quantum](https://github.com/quantum-elixir/quantum-core) job scheduler
- Admin API: Return `total` when querying for reports
- Mastodon API: Return `pleroma.direct_conversation_id` when creating a direct message (`POST /api/v1/statuses`)
+- Admin API: Return link alongside with token on password reset
+ ### Fixed
+ - Mastodon API: Fix private and direct statuses not being filtered out from the public timeline for an authenticated user (`GET /api/v1/timelines/public`)
## [1.1.0] - 2019-??-??
### Security
- Methods: `GET`
- Params: none
-- Response: password reset token (base64 string)
+- Response:
+ "token": "U13DX6muOvpRsj35_ij9wLxUbkU-eFvfKttxs6gIajo=", // password reset token (base64 string)
+ "link": "https://pleroma.social/api/pleroma/password_reset/U13DX6muOvpRsj35_ij9wLxUbkU-eFvfKttxs6gIajo%3D"
+ ## `/api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/force_password_reset`
+ ### Force passord reset for a user with a given nickname
+ - Methods: `PATCH`
+ - Params: none
+ - Response: none (code `204`)
## `/api/pleroma/admin/reports`
### Get a list of reports
- Method `GET`
{:ok, token} = Pleroma.PasswordResetToken.create_token(user)
- |> json(token.token)
+ |> json(%{
+ token: token.token,
+ link: Router.Helpers.reset_password_url(Endpoint, :reset, token.token)
+ })
+ @doc "Force password reset for a given user"
+ def force_password_reset(conn, %{"nickname" => nickname}) do
+ (%User{local: true} = user) = User.get_cached_by_nickname(nickname)
+ User.force_password_reset_async(user)
+ json_response(conn, :no_content, "")
+ end
def list_reports(conn, params) do
params =