adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
migration_timestamps: [type: :naive_datetime_usec]
+ import Ecto.Query
require Logger
defmodule Instrumenter do
+ def chunk_stream(query, chunk_size) do
+ # We don't actually need start and end funcitons of resource streaming,
+ # but it seems to be the only way to not fetch records one-by-one and
+ # have individual records be the elements of the stream, instead of
+ # lists of records
+ Stream.resource(
+ fn -> 0 end,
+ fn
+ last_id ->
+ query
+ |> order_by(asc: :id)
+ |> where([r], > ^last_id)
+ |> limit(^chunk_size)
+ |> all()
+ |> case do
+ [] ->
+ {:halt, last_id}
+ records ->
+ last_id = List.last(records).id
+ {records, last_id}
+ end
+ end,
+ fn _ -> :ok end
+ )
+ end
defmodule Pleroma.Repo.UnappliedMigrationsError do