# Clone the release build into a temporary directory and unpack it
# Replace `stable` with `unstable` if you want to run the unstable branch
su akkoma -s $SHELL -lc "
-curl 'https://akkoma-updates.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/develop/akkoma-$FLAVOUR.zip' -o /tmp/akkoma.zip
+curl 'https://akkoma-updates.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/stable/akkoma-$FLAVOUR.zip' -o /tmp/akkoma.zip
unzip /tmp/akkoma.zip -d /tmp/
# Clone the release build into a temporary directory and unpack it
su akkoma -s $SHELL -lc "
-curl 'https://akkoma-updates.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/develop/akkoma-$FLAVOUR.zip' -o /tmp/akkoma.zip
+curl 'https://akkoma-updates.s3-website.fr-par.scw.cloud/stable/akkoma-$FLAVOUR.zip' -o /tmp/akkoma.zip
unzip /tmp/akkoma.zip -d /tmp/
you to verify the integrity if you choose to.
Releases are signed with [Signify](https://man.openbsd.org/signify.1),
-with [the public key in the main repository](https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/branch/develop/SIGNING_KEY.pub)
+with [the public key in the main repository](https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/branch/stable/SIGNING_KEY.pub)
Release URLs will always be of the form