--- /dev/null
+# Migrating to a Docker Installation
+If you for any reason wish to migrate a source or OTP install to a docker one,
+this guide is for you.
+You have a few options - your major one will be whether you want to keep your
+reverse-proxy setup from before.
+You probably should, in the first instance.
+### Prepare the system
+* Install docker and docker-compose
+ * [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/)
+ * [Docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
+ * This will usually just be a repository installation and a package manager invocation.
+=== "Source"
+git pull
+=== "OTP"
+Clone the akkoma repository
+git clone https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma.git -b stable
+cd akkoma
+### Back up your old database
+Change the database name as needed
+pg_dump -d akkoma_prod --format c > akkoma_backup.sql
+### Getting your static files in the right place
+This will vary by every installation. Copy your `instance` directory to `instance/` in
+the akkoma source directory - this is where the docker container will look for it.
+For *most* from-source installs it'll already be there.
+And the same with `uploads`, make sure your uploads (if you have them on disk) are
+located at `uploads/` in the akkoma source directory.
+If you have them on a different disk, you will need to mount that disk into the docker-compose file,
+with an entry that looks like this:
+ volumes:
+ - .:/opt/akkoma # This should already be there
+ - type: bind
+ source: /path/to/your/uploads
+ target: /opt/akkoma/uploads
+### Set up basic configuration
+cp docker-resources/env.example .env
+echo "DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)" >> .env
+This probably won't need to be changed, it's only there to set basic environment
+variables for the docker-compose file.
+=== "From source"
+You probably won't need to change your config. Provided your `config/prod.secret.exs` file
+is still there, you're all good.
+=== "OTP"
+cp /etc/akkoma/config.exs config/prod.secret.exs
+Set the following config in `config/prod.secret.exs`:
+config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint,
+ ...,
+ http: [ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}, port: 4000]
+config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo,
+ ...,
+ username: "akkoma",
+ password: "akkoma",
+ database: "akkoma",
+ hostname: "db"
+### Building the container
+The container provided is a thin wrapper around akkoma's dependencies,
+it does not contain the code itself. This is to allow for easy updates
+and debugging if required.
+This will generate a container called `akkoma` which we can use
+in our compose environment.
+### Setting up the docker resources
+# These won't exist if you're migrating from OTP
+rm -rf deps
+rm -rf _build
+mkdir pgdata
+./docker-resources/manage.sh mix deps.get
+./docker-resources/manage.sh mix compile
+### Setting up the database
+Now we can import our database to the container.
+docker-compose run --rm --user akkoma -d db
+docker-compose run --rm akkoma pg_restore -v -U akkoma -j $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) -d akkoma -h db akkoma_backup.sql
+### Reverse proxies
+If you're just reusing your old proxy, you may have to uncomment the line in
+the docker-compose file under `ports`. You'll find it.
+Otherwise, you can use the same setup as the [docker installation guide](./docker_en.md#reverse-proxies).
+### Let's go
+docker-compose up -d
+You should now be at the same point as you were before, but with a docker install.
+{! installation/frontends.include !}
+See the [docker installation guide](./docker_en.md) for more information on how to
+#### Further reading
+{! installation/further_reading.include !}
+{! support.include !}